MSc Project Proposals for 2004/5

Stephan Reiff-Marganiec


There are 4 project suggestions here, the first three are well defined projects, the last is an open project. Each of the first three is intended to provide suggestions of things possible, but students are encouraged to critically evaluate the ideas and maybe find related ideas: I am happy to discuss similar topics and see if they are suitable and I am willing to supervise them. The 4th project is quite research oriented and requires students to identify aspects of interest to them in the framework proposed. This certainly requires discussion with me.

All projects are centred around Java web services and web services technologies, the basics of which will be taught in Semester 2 in CO7204.




The project will involve a substantial amount of programming. This should be in Java in an object

oriented style.

Aims of Project

Amazon provides a web service that can be used by software developers to access and query the Amazon catalogue. Google provides a similar interface to its search engine. This project should investigate the use of these interface to build an interesting application. The idea here is that a tool should be developed that searches for a particular actor/author/musician and then shows the DVDs/Videos/CDs or books that are available on Amazon but enhances this information with biographical data and information about fanclubs as found by Google.

The implementation of the "value added" services should be in Java, as this is the most obvious technology to use when connecting to WebServices.

The project will involve a complete software engineering process starting with requirements capture, leading to system design and finally implementation. The result shall be evaluated in a suitable manner.

Learning Outcomes

·       Learn about the use of web service technology and the Amazon and Google WebServices interfaces.

·       Deepen undesrtanding of using Java for software development.

·       Gain knowledge of using XML and relevant web technologies.

Nature of End-Product

A tool that allows to find works of an actor/author/musician together with other relevant information by using webservice technology.

Project Timetable

Research on Amazon and Google Webservices, requirements elicitation and design of software project, implementation of 2 small case studies to show usage of Google and Amazon  Webservices. Implementation, evaluation and refinement of final product.




Course Information Manager


The project will involve a substantial amount of programming. This should be in Java in an object

oriented style. Also good knowledge of databases is required.

Aims of Project

The department runs a number of modules, each convened by a member of staff. Throughout the year, certain tasks have to be conducted related to the management of courses. Such tasks include the generation of studyguides, module forms and websites, as well as providing material on websites as the course progresses.

Each of these tasks might be small, but they do take a considerable amount of time. So the system

should improve on this time consumption by providing much automation. Ideas here are:

·       Webbased forms that request information as appropriate for module forms (learning outcomes, reading lists, ...) and collecting these in XML documents. A user should be able to recall an old form and edit parts or create new forms. The system should provide functionality to extract the information of the XML documents and insert it into templates for HTML or LaTeX for generation of the required forms. One option here is to investigate the use of XSL-FO to produce output directly from XML rather than inserting data into templates.

·       Also, during the year, it would be nice if webpages could be generated in a simple way. That is, a default course webpage should be generated from the info in the module form. While the course progresses the lecturer should be able to add documents (handouts), relevant links and announcements to this page by simply entering the information on a webform. E.g. adding a handout should be done by opening a webpage, choosing the lecture number from a list, selecting a file and clicking submit; the result should be that the file is transferred to the right pace and the respective link is created on the webpage.

It is important to design the system in a component based way and the individual components of this system should be implemented as webservices and then be brought together under a convenient interface.

The project will involve a complete software engineering process starting with requirements capture, leading to system design and finally implementation. The result shall be evaluated in a suitable manner.

Learning Outcomes

·       Learn about web service technology.

·       Deepen undesrtanding of using Java for software development.

·       Gain knowledge of using XML and relevant web technologies.

Nature of End-Product

A content management system for course webpages.

Project Timetable

Research on Java Webservices, requirements elicitation and design of software project, implementation of small case studies to show usage of Webservices. Implementation, evaluation and refinement of final product.



Music Finder Interface to Amazon


The project will involve a substantial amount of programming. This should be in Java in an object

oriented style.

Aims of Project

Amazon provides a web service that can be used by software developers to access and query the Amazon catalogue. This project should investigate the use of this interface to build an interesting application. The idea here is a music finder that might find catalogue entries and suggestions based on information extracted from an MP3 file, i.e. the user selects an MP3 file and the program locates the respective Amazon entry for the CD(s) on which the song occurs as well as maybe other works by the same artist.

The implementation of the "value added" services should be in Java. As this project is about interfacing with back end technology, it seems suitable to investigate the use of JavaServerFaces ( technology as an alternative to more traditional html based user interfaces.

The project will involve a complete software engineering process starting with requirements capture, leading to system design and finally implementation. The result shall be evaluated in a suitable manner.

Learning Outcomes

·       Learn about the use of web service technology and JavaServerFaces technology.

·       Deepen undesrtanding of using Java for software development.

·       Gain knowledge of using XML and relevant web technologies.

Nature of End-Product

A music finder that finds catalogue entries and suggestions based on information extracted from an MP3 file.

Project Timetable

Research on Amazon Webservices, Java Server Faces and MP3 (extracting required data), requirements elicitation and design of software project, implementation of 2 small case studies to

show usage of JavaServerFaces and Amazon Webservices. Implementation, evaluation and refinement of final product.



Open Project


The project will involve some programming, but mostly to demonstrate feasibility of ideas concerned with emerging technologies. Programming should probably be in Java in an object oriented style. The project would suit a student who is willing to face a rewarding challenge and will not feel overwhelmed by the fact that much of the new technologies are just emerging and hence there are no text books available.

Aims of Project

Web services are software functionality available over the internet. While each service on its own offers certain features, it is the combination of many such services that allows to create powerful applications.


Current work is considering how web services can be composed, and there are several ideas available. My interest is in dynamic (automatic) composition of services guided by some high level language -- preferably a language in the end-users domain.


Possible projects in this area are manyfold and might address issues such as:

·       Service conflict: from telephony service we know that composing services is not straight forward, for example two services which individually function as expected might lead to new, often undesired, behaviou when composed. What does feature interaction mean in the arena of web services, how can it be addressed?


These ideas are rather vague, as I would expect the student to explore the area in more detail and identify a suitable project, matching their interest and overlapping with my own ideas.

Learning Outcomes

·       Learn about the use of web service technology and develop understanding of open issues. Try to contribute to solve some of the challenging aspects.

·       Deepen research skills.

·       Gain knowledge of using XML and relevant web technologies.

Nature of End-Product

To be specified

Project Timetable

To be specified