FSCD 2018 Invited Speakers

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Stephanie Delaune


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Title of talk

Analysing privacy-type properties in cryptographic protocols


Cryptographic protocols aim at securing communications over insecure networks such as the Internet, where dishonest users may listen to communications and interfere with them. For example, passports are no more pure paper documents. Instead, they contain a chip that stores additional information such as pictures and fingerprints of their holder. In order to ensure privacy, these chips include a mechanism, i.e. a cryptographic protocol, that does not let the passport disclose private information to external users. This is just a single example but of course privacy appears in many other contexts such as RFIDs technologies or electronic voting. Formal methods have been successfully applied to automatically analyze traditional protocols and discover flaws. Privacy-type security properties (e.g. anonymity, unlinkability, ...) are expressed relying on a notion of behavioral equivalence, and are actually more difficult to analyse. We will discuss some recent advances that have been done to analyse automatically equivalence-based security properties, and we will review some issues that remain to be solved in this field.

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Grigore Rosu

U.of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US

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Title of talk

Formal Design, Implementation and Verification of Blockchain Languages


Many of the recent cryptocurrency bugs and exploits are due to flaws or weaknesses of the underlying blockchain programming languages or virtual machines. The usual post-mortem approach to formal language semantics and verification, where the language is firstly implemented and used in production for many years before a need for formal semantics and verification tools naturally arises, simply does not work anymore. New blockchain languages or virtual machines are proposed at an alarming rate, followed by new versions of them every few weeks, together with programs (or smart contracts) in these languages that are responsible for financial transactions of potentially significant value. Formal analysis and verification tools are therefore needed immediately for such languages and virtual machines. We present recent academic and commercial results in developing blockchain languages and virtual machines that come directly equipped with formal analysis and verification tools. The main idea is to generate all these automatically, correct-by-construction from a formal specification. We demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach by applying it to two blockchains, Ethereum and Cardano.

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Peter Selinger

Dalhousie U., Canada

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Title of talk

Challenges in quantum programming languages


In this talk, I will give an overview of some recent progress and current challenges in the design of quantum programming languages. Unlike classical programs, which can in principle be debugged by stopping the program at critical moments and examining the contents of variables, quantum programs are not amenable to traditional debugging because the state of a quantum system cannot usually be examined in a meaningful way. Therefore, we need other methods for ensuring the correctness of quantum programs, such as formal verification. For this reason, I advocate the use of strongly typed, functional programming languages for quantum computing. As far as functional quantum programming languages are concerned, there is currently a relatively wide gap between theory and practice. On the one hand, we have languages with strong theoretical foundations, such as the quantum lambda calculus, which operate at a relatively low level of abstraction and lack many features that would be useful to practical quantum programmers. On the other hand, we have practical functional quantum programming languages such as Quipper, which is implemented as an embedded language in Haskell, has many high-level features, and has been used in large-scale projects, but lacks a theoretical basis and a strong type system. We have recently attempted to narrow this gap through a family of languages called Proto-Quipper, which are designed to offer Quipper-like features while having sound theoretical foundations. I will give an overview of Quipper and its most useful features, report on the progress we made with formalizing fragments of Quipper, and outline several of the still remaining challenges.

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Valeria Vignudelli

ENS, Lyon, France

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Title of talk

Proof techniques for program equivalence in probabilistic higher-order languages


While the theory of functional higher-order languages, starting from lambda-calculi, is a well-established research field, it is only in recent years that the operational semantics of higher-order languages with probabilistic operators has started to be extensively studied. A fundamental notion in the semantics of programming languages is that of program equivalence. In higher-order languages, program equivalence is generally formalized as a contextual equivalence, which can be hard to prove directly. This has motivated the study of proof techniques for contextual equivalence, from inductive ones, such as logical relations, to coinductive ones, mainly in the form of bisimulations. In this talk I will discuss proof techniques for program equivalence in languages combining higher-order and probabilistic features. Several operational methods, traditionally developed in a deterministic setting, have been adapted to probabilistic higher-order languages. I will discuss these proof methods and focus on bisimulation-based techniques, showing how probabilities, combined with different language features, force a number of modifications to the definition of bisimulation.

Webpage by Paula Severi.