[The University of Leicester]

Department of Mathematics & Computer Science

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First we note that the relation between the two kinds of presentation is given by the following variation of a result of [8].

Let $ K$ be a field and let $ S$ be a semigroup with presentation $ sgp
\langle X \vert R \rangle$. Then the algebra $ K[S]$ is isomorphic to the factor algebra $ K[X^\dagger]/\! \langle F \rangle$ where $ F$ is the basis $ \{l-r\vert
(l,r) \in R\}$.

Define $ \phi:K[X^\dagger] \to K[S]$ by $ \phi(k_1w_1 + \cdots + k_tw_t)
:= k_1[w_1]_R+\cdots+k_t[w_t]_R$ for $ k_1, \ldots, k_t \in K$, $ w_1,
\ldots, w_t
\in X^\dagger$. Define a homomorphism $ \phi':K[X^\dagger]/\! \langle F \rangle \to K[S]$ by $ \phi'([p]_F):=\phi(p)$. It is injective since $ \phi'[p]_F = \phi[q]_F$ if and only if $ [p]_F = [q]_F$ (using the definitions $ \phi(p)=\phi(q) \Leftrightarrow p-q \in \langle F \rangle$). It is also surjective. Let $ f\in K[S]$. Then $ f = k_1m_1 + \cdots +
k_tm_t$ for some $ k_1,\ldots,k_t\in K$, $ m_1,\ldots,m_t\in S$. Since $ S$ is presented by $ sgp\langle X \vert R \rangle$ there exist $ w_1, \ldots, w_t \in X^\dagger$ such that $ [w_i]_R = m_i$ for $ i=1,\ldots,t$. Therefore let $ p = k_1w_1 + \cdots + k_tw_t$. Clearly $ p
\in K[X^\dagger]$ and also $ \phi'[p]_F = f$. Hence $ \phi'$ is an isomorphism.$ \Box$

Now we give our main result.

Let $ sgp\langle X \vert R\rangle$ be a semigroup presentation, let $ K$ be a field and let $ alg\langle X \vert F \rangle$ be the $ K$-algebra presentation with $ F:=\{ l-r: (l,r) \in R \}$. Then the Knuth-Bendix completion algorithm for the rewrite system $ R$ corresponds step-by-step to the noncommutative Buchberger algorithm for finding a Gröbner basis for the ideal generated by $ F$.

Proof Both the Knuth-Bendix algorithm for $ R$ and the Buchberger algorithm for $ F$ begin by specifying a monomial ordering on $ X^\dagger$ which we denote $ >$.

The correspondence between terminology in the two cases is

$\displaystyle (i)$    rewrite system      basis    
$\displaystyle (ii)$    rule      two-term polynomial    
$\displaystyle (iii)$    string      monomial    
$\displaystyle (iv)$    reduction      reduction    
$\displaystyle (v)$    left hand side      leading monomial    
$\displaystyle (vi)$    substring      submonomial    
$\displaystyle (vii)$    right hand side      remainder    
$\displaystyle (viii)$    overlap      match    
$\displaystyle (ix)$    critical pair      S-polynomial    

This key part of the correspondence (viii) and (ix) is illustrated diagrammatically in the next section

$\displaystyle (x)$    resolve      reduce to zero    
$\displaystyle (xi)$    reduced critical pair      reduced S-polynomial    
$\displaystyle (xii)$    complete rewrite system      Gröbner basis    

In terms of rewriting we consider the rewrite system $ R$ which consists of a set of rules of the form $ (l,r)$ orientated so that $ l>r$. A string $ w \in X^\dagger$ may be reduced with respect to $ R$ if it contains the left hand side $ l$ of a rule $ (l,r)$ as a substring i.e. if $ w=ulv$ for some $ u,v
X^*$. To reduce $ w=ulv$ using the rule $ (l,r)$ we replace $ l$ by the right hand side $ r$ of the rule, and write $ ulv \to_R
urv$. The Knuth-Bendix algorithm looks for overlaps between rules. Given a pair of rules $ (l_1,r_1)$, $ (l_2,r_2)$ there are four possible ways in which an overlap can occur: $ l_1=u_2l_2v_2$, $ u_1l_1v_1=l_2$, $ l_1v_1=u_2l_2$ and $ u_1l_1=l_2v_2$. The critical pair resulting from an overlap is the pair of strings resulting from applying each rule to the smallest string on which the overlap occurs. The critical pairs resulting from each of the four overlaps are: $ (r_1,u_2r_2v_2)$, $ (u_1r_1v_1,r_2)$, $ (r_1v_1,u_2r_2)$ and $ (u_1r_1,r_2v_2)$ respectively (see diagram). In one pass the completion procedure finds all the critical pairs resulting from overlaps of rules of $ R$. Both sides of each of the critical pairs are reduced as far as possible with respect to $ R$ to obtain a reduced critical pair $ (c_1,c_2)$. The original pair is said to resolve if $ c_1=c_2$. The reduced pairs that have not resolved are orientated, so that $ c_1>c_2$, and added to $ R$ forming $ R_1$. The procedure is then repeated for the rewrite system $ R_1$, to obtain $ R_2$ and so on. When all the critical pairs of a system $ R_n$ resolve (i.e. $ R_{n+1}=R_n$) then $ R_n$ is a complete rewrite system.

In terms of Gröbner basis theory applied to this special case we consider the basis $ F$ which consists of a set of two-term polynomials of the form $ l-r$ multiplied by $ \pm 1$ so that $ l>r$. A monomial $ m \in X^\dagger$ may be reduced with respect to $ F$ if it contains the leading monomial $ l$ of a polynomial $ l-r$ as a submonomial i.e. if $ m=ulv$ for some $ u,v \in X^*$. To reduce $ m=ulv$ using the polynomial $ l-r$ we replace $ l$ by the remainder $ r$ of the polynomial, and write $ ulv \to_F
urv$. The Buchberger algorithm looks for matches between polynomials. Given a pair of polynomials $ l_1-r_1$, $ l_2-r_2$ there are four possible ways in which an match can occur: $ l_1=u_2l_2v_2$, $ u_1l_1v_1=l_2$, $ l_1v_1=u_2l_2$ and $ u_1l_1=l_2v_2$. The S- polynomial resulting from a match is the difference between the pair of monomials resulting from applying each two-term polynomial to the smallest monomial on which the match occurs. The S-polynomials resulting from each of the four matches are: $ r_1-u_2r_2v_2$, $ u_1r_1-v_1,r_2$, $ r_1v_1-u_2r_2$ and $ u_1r_1-r_2v_2$ respectively (see diagram). In one pass the completion procedure finds all the S-polynomials resulting from matches of polynomials of $ F$. The S-polynomials are reduced as far as possible with respect to $ F$ to obtain a reduced S-polynomial $ c_1-c_2$. Note that reduction can only replace one term with another so the reduced S-ploynomial will have two terms unless the two terms reduce to the same thing $ c_1=c_2$ in which case the original S-polynomial is said to reduce to zero. The reduced S-polynomials that have not been reduced to zero are multiplied by $ \pm
1$, so that $ c_1>c_2$, and added to $ F$ forming $ F_1$. The procedure is then repeated for the basis $ F_1$, to obtain $ F_2$ and so on. When all the S-polynomials of a basis $ F_n$ reduce to zero (i.e. $ F_{n+1}=F_n$) then $ F_n$ is a Gröbner basis.

A critical pair in $ R$ will occur if and only if a corresponding S-polynomial occurs in $ F$. Reduction of the pair by $ R$ is equivalent to reduction of the S-polynomial by $ F$. Therefore at any stage any new rules correspond to the new two-term polynomials and $ F_i:=\{l-r:(l,r)
\in R_i\}$. Therefore the completion procedures as applied to $ R$ and $ F$ correspond to each other at every step. $ \Box$

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Author: A. Heyworth, tel: +44 (0)116 252 3884
Last updated: 2001-05-08
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