[The University of Leicester]

Department of Mathematics & Computer Science

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Example of a GAP Session on the Rewriting Procedure

Here we give an example to show the use of the implementation. Let $ \mathsf{A}$ and $ \mathsf{B}$ be the categories generated by the graphs below, where $ \mathsf{B}$ has the relation $ b_1b_2b_3=b_4$.

Let $ X:\mathsf{A}\to
\mathsf{Sets}$ be defined by with

and let $ F:\mathsf{A}\to \mathsf{B}$ be defined by and . The input to the computer program takes the following form. First read in the program and set up the variables:
gap> RequirePackage("kan");
gap> F:=FreeGroup("b1","b2","b3","b4","b5","x1","x2","x3","y1","y2");;
gap> b1:=F.1;;b2:=F.2;;b3:=F.3;;b4:=F.4;;b5:=F.5;;
gap> x1:=F.6;;x2:=F.7;;x3:=F.8;;y1:=F.9;;y2:=F.10;;
Then we input the data (choice of names is unimportant):
gap> OBJa:=[1,2];;
gap> ARRa:=[[1,2],[2,1]];;
gap> OBJb:=[1,2,3];;
gap> ARRb:=[[b1,1,2],[b2,2,3],[b3,3,1],[b4,1,1],[b5,1,3]];;
gap> RELb:=[[b1*b2*b3,b4]];;
gap> fOBa:=[1,2];;
gap> fARRa:=[b1,b2*b3];;
gap> xOBa:=[[x1,x2,x3],[y1,y2]];;
gap> xARRa:=[[y1,y2,y1],[x1,x2]];;
To combine all this data in one record (the field names are important):
gap> KAN:=rec( ObA:=OBJa, ArrA:=ARRa,  ObB:=OBJb, ArrB:=ARRb, RelB:=RELb,
              FObA:=fOBa, FArrA:=fARRa, XObA:=xOBa, XArrA:=xARRa );;
To calculate the initial rules do:
gap> InitialRules( KAN );
The output will be:
i= 1, XA= [ x1, x2, x3 ], Ax= x1, rule= [ x1*b1, y1 ]
i= 1, XA= [ x1, x2, x3 ], Ax= x2, rule= [ x2*b1, y2 ]
i= 1, XA= [ x1, x2, x3 ], Ax= x3, rule= [ x3*b1, y1 ]
i= 2, XA= [ y1, y2 ], Ax= y1, rule= [ y1*b2*b3, x1 ]
i= 2, XA= [ y1, y2 ], Ax= y2, rule= [ y2*b2*b3, x2 ]
[ [ b1*b2*b3, b4 ], [ x1*b1, y1 ], [ x2*b1, y2 ], [ x3*b1, y1 ],
  [ y1*b2*b3, x1 ], [ y2*b2*b3, x2 ] ]
This means that there are five initial $ \varepsilon $-rules:

i.e. and one initial $ K$-rule: . To attempt to complete the Kan extension presentation do:
gap> KB( InitialRules(KAN) );
The output is:
[ [ x1*b1, y1 ], [ x1*b4, x1 ], [ x2*b1, y2 ], [ x2*b4, x2 ], [ x3*b1, y1 ],
  [ x3*b4, x1 ], [ b1*b2*b3, b4 ], [ y1*b2*b3, x1 ], [ y2*b2*b3, x2 ] ]
In other words to complete the system we have to add the rules


The result of attempting to compute the sets by doing:
gap> Kan(KAN);
is a long list and then:
enumeration limit exceeded: complete rewrite system is:
[ [ x1*b1, y1 ], [ x1*b4, x1 ], [ x2*b1, y2 ], [ x2*b4, x2 ], [ x3*b1, y1 ],
  [ x3*b4, x1 ], [ b1*b2*b3, b4 ], [ y1*b2*b3, x1 ], [ y2*b2*b3, x2 ] ]
This means that the sets $ KB$ for $ B$ in $ \mathsf{B}$ are too large. The limit set in the program is 1000. (To change this the user should type EnumerationLimit:= 5000 - or whatever, after reading in the program.) In fact the above example is infinite. The complete rewrite system is output instead of the sets. We can in fact use this to obtain regular expressions for the sets. In this case the regular expressions are:
The actions of the arrows are defined by concatenation followed by reduction.
For example is an element of , so acts on it to give which is irreducible, and an element of . The general method of obtaining regular expressions for these computations will be given in a separate paper (see Chapter 4 of [8]).
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Author: A. Heyworth, tel: +44 (0)116 252 3884
Last updated: 2000-11-24
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This document has been approved by the Head of Department.
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