University of Leicester

computer science

Process Languages for Rooted Eager Bisimulation,
Irek Ulidowski and Shoji Yuen,
In C. Palamidessi, editor, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Concurrency Theory CONCUR 2000, University Park, Pennsylvania, 2000. Springer, LNCS 1877.


We present a general class of process languages for rooted eager bisimulation preorder and prove its congruence result. Also, we present classes of process languages for the rooted versions of several other weak preorders. The process languages we propose are defined by the Ordered SOS method which combines the traditional SOS approach, based on transition rules, with the ordering on transition rules. This new feature specifies the order of application of rules when deriving transitions of process terms. We support and illustrate our results with examples of process operators and process languages which benefit from the OSOS formulation.

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