University of Leicester


photo of J L Fiadeiro

STAFF — J L Fiadeiro  B.Sc. (U Lisbon 1985), Ph.D. (T U Lisbon 1989), Agg (U Lisbon 1998), FBCS, CITP

Professor of Software Science and Engineering
F24 Ken Edwards Building
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences,
University of Leicester,
University Road,
LE1 7RH.

T: +44 (0)116 252 3907
F: +44 (0)116 252 3915

Short Bio

I did my undergraduate degree in Mathematics at the University of Lisbon (Faculty of Science), after which I moved to the Technical University of Lisbon (Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering) where I studied for a PhD under the supervision of Amilcar Sernadas. I was awarded my doctorate in 1989, and then spent three years doing research at Imperial College London with a grant from the European Commission. I became Associate Professor in Computer Science at the Technical University of Lisbon in 1992, and moved to the University of Lisbon (Department of Informatics, Faculty of Science) in 1993. Before I joined Leicester in 2002, I held visiting research positions at Imperial College, King’s College London, PUC-Rio de Janeiro, and the SRI International. I was Head of Department at Leicester between August 2006 and July 2011.

My current research interests are in formal aspects of software system modelling and analysis in the context of global ubiquitous computing. I am a member of the Steering Committees of WS-FM (Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods), CALCO (Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science, which I co-founded with Jan Rutten) and WADT (Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques). I was chairman of the IFIP WG 1.3 (Foundations of System Specification) in 2004-09, and chairman of the Steering Committee of ETAPS (European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice) in 2002-04. I am also member of the Editorial Board of Information Processing Letters (Elsevier).


I am the convenor of CO7205 Advanced System Design.

External courses and tutorials

Material from some of the courses and tutorials that I have developed:

  • A Formal Approach to Service-Oriented Modelling
    A 3-hour tutorial that I've given at the Bertinoro School on Formal Methods in 2009 (and other places). This tutorial provides an overview of a formal approach to service-oriented modelling developed within the SENSORIA project. A modelling language – SRML – and a number of formal techniques that address qualitative and quantitative analysis support this approach, all of which are based on mathematical foundations. The focus of the tutorial is on the language primitives that SRML offers for modelling business services and activities, and on the methodological approach that SRML supports. It is available as a pdf file and a movie. There is also a companion paper(51 pages, 7MB)
  • Software Architectures: Coordination and Evolution
    This is a 12-hour course that I've given in Valencia. It combines material from the shorter tutorials below. It is available as a zipped pdf file.
  • Software Architectures: Evolution and Mobility
    A 3-hour tutorial that I've given in a number of conferences. It combines the Coordination approach developed with ATX and the mobility aspects developed within AGILE. It is available as a zipped pdf file and a Powerpoint show.
  • Formal Apects of Software Architectures
    A 3-hour tutorial that I've given in a number of conferences. It will be given next at ICFEM 2005. It combines an introduction to the role of SA and the CommUnity approach. It is available as a zipped pdf file and a Powerpoint show.
  • Categorical Structures for System Modelling
    This is the bulk of a course that I've given in Swansea (July 2005), Pisa (May 2006), and Valencia (June 2006). It presents selected material from my book on Category Theory. It is available as a zipped pdf file and a Quick-time movie.


My research interests have been in software specification formalisms and methods, especially as applied to software-intensive systems, and their integration in the wider area of General Systems Theory. My main contributions have been in the formalisation of specification and program design techniques using modal logics (temporal and dynamic), and of their underlying modularisation principles using Category Theory, with an emphasis on architectural aspects of software systems.

The core of my current research is in service-oriented modelling and contributes mainly to the following themes:

  • Algebraic and Categorical Structures and Methods: Algebraic specification; Calculi and models of concurrent, distributed, mobile, and context-aware computing; General systems theory; Semantics of conceptual modelling methods and techniques; Validation and verification.

  • Models of Software Intensive Systems: Concepts, languages, and semantic models for large and complex software intensive systems. In particular: Architectural dimensions (coordination, distribution, context-awareness); Collaborative systems; Embedded, hybrid, and timed systems; Formal specification, validation and verification techniques; Service-oriented systems. Composition and emergent behaviour/properties.

  • I also keep an interest on Software Evolution and Interaction Design and Evaluation of Socio-technical Systems.

I am (or have been) involved in the following projects:


See my DBLP entry or the list of papers and reports on service-oriented modelling.

PhD/MPhil supervision

This list contains the main topics in which I am keen to accept students. The following students are working (or have worked) under my supervision:


  • Departmental Research Director since August 2011
  • Head of Department between August 2006 and July 2011
  • Member of the Editorial Board of IPL
  • Chairman of the IFIP WG 1.3 on Foundations of System Specification between 2004 and 2009
  • Chairman of the Steering Committee of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS) between 2002 and 2004

Author: J L Fiadeiro (, T: +44 (0)116 252 3907.
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