University of Leicester


STAFF — Kornchulee Khanana   , BSc (Prince of Songkla University), MSc (King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi)

PhD Student
G1 Ken Edwards Building
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences,
University of Leicester,
University Road,
LE1 7RH.

T: +4 (0)116 252 XXXX
F: +4 (0)116 252 XXXX
  • For UOL Server
  • Play FoodGroups Game
    Play Alternative FoodGroups Game

  • For SRU Server
  • Play FoodGroups Game
    Play Alternative FoodGroups Game

    KHANANA, K. and LAW, E. L.-C. 2013. Designing children's digital games on nutrition with playability heuristics.
    CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Paris, France: ACM.

    • Title: TwinTide AUtumn Training SchOol: REsearch Methods for Human-Computer Interaction (TUTOREM)
    • Awarded a grant: The Management Committee of the COST Action IC0904 for a Training School within the COST scientific programme on Towards the Integration of Transectorial IT Design and Evaluation
    • Venue: Bled, Slovenia
    • Date: 5th - 9th November 2012
    Teaching Assistant:
    1. Semester 2/2011-2012
    2. - CO1019 Databases and Web Applications
    3. Semester 1/2012-2013
    4. - CO1098 Information Management
      - CO3098 Web Technologies
    5. Semester 2/2012-2013
    6. - CO1005 Data Structures and Development Environments
    7. Semester 1/2013-2014
    8. - CO1003 Program Design
      - CO1098 Information Management
    9. Semester 2/2013-2014
    10. - CO1019 Databases and Web Applications

    Author: Kornchulee Khanana (, T: +4 (0)116 252 XXXX.
    © University of Leicester DATE. Last modified: 10th February 2014, 13:03:33
    CMS Web Maintainer. Any opinions expressed on this page are those of the author.