Decoding the Transcriptional Program for Blood Development from Single Cell Gene Expression Measurements (bibtex)
  author = 	 {V. Moignard and S. Woodhouse and L. Haghverdi and J. Lilly and Y. Tanaka and A.C. Wilkinson and F. Buettner and I.C. Macaulay and W. Jawaid and E. Diamanti and S.-I. Nishikawa and N. Piterman and V. Kouskoff and F.J. Theis and J. Fisher and B. Gottgens},
  title        = {Decoding the Transcriptional Program for Blood Development from Single Cell Gene Expression Measurements},
  journal      = {Nature Biotechnology},
  year         = {2015},
  OPTvolume = 	 {},
  OPTnumber = {},
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  keywords = {Biology,Executable Biology,Synthesis},
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