SCNS: A graphical tool for reconstructing executable regulatory networks from single-cell genomic data (bibtex)
  author =       {S. Woodhouse and N. Piterman and C.M. Wintersteiger, and B. Gottgens and J. Fisher},
  title = 	 {SCNS: A graphical tool for reconstructing executable regulatory networks from single-cell genomic data},
  journal =      {BMC Systems Biology} ,
  volume =    {12},
  number =    {59}, 
  OPTpages = 	 {420-452},
  year = 	 {2018},
  publisher = {BMC},
  OPTpdf = 	 {2017/CP17.pdf},
  OPTurl = 	 {2017/CP17.html},
  keywords = {Executable Biology},
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