Unfortunately there seems to be an embarassingly large number of mistakes in my papers, though all pretty harmless: ----------------------------------------------------- Bounded delay packet scheduling in a bounded buffer, Operations Research Letters 38(5) 2010 ----------------------------------------------------- p.397, second column, near the middle, the paragraph that starts with "We show by induction on time t...": "rejected by OPT" should be "scheduled by OPT". Also, the next few paragraphs may be confusing since it was implicitly assumed that an F-charge is associated with the packet in OPT that creates the charge, so for example |F_t| is the number of packets generating those F-charges in F_t. Similarly for G_t, F^1_t etc. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Online Preemptive Scheduling with Immediate Decision or Notification and Penalties, COCOON 2010 -------------------------------------------------------------------- There is something not quite right in the proof of Theorem 1, although I can't remember what it is now... it is fixed in the journal version. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Online interval scheduling: randomized and multiprocessor cases, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 16(3) 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------- p.254, line 5, the formula should be f_{k+1}(y) - f_k(y) = \frac{1/\alpha^{k-1} - y/\beta^{k-1}}{...} i.e. the + in the numerator should be -. The conclusion in the following two lines remain correct as this is even more obvious that it is a decreasing function. ------------------------------------------------------------ Online scheduling of unit jobs with bounded importance ratio, Int. J. Foundations of Computer Science 16(3), 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------- p.597, Lemma 12, instead of 2-1/(B+1) it should be 2-2/(B+1). The graph in Figure 6 already shows the correct values.