— Effie Lai-Chong Law B. Soc. Sc. (HKU), M. Soc. Sc. (HKU), Dr. phil. in Psychology (LMU, Germany)
F1 Ken Edwards Building School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH.
T: +44 (0)116 252 5341 F: +44 (0)116 252 3915 E: elaw at mcs dot le dot ac dot uk
I am also a visiting Senior Research Assistant at ETH Zürich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Switzerland.
- Human-computer interaction (HCI): usability evaluation
- Technology-enhanced learning (TEL): computer-supported collaborative learning
- Learning theories: situated cognition, creativity, reflection
Here is a link to my publication list.
- Past
- PROLEARN (2004-2007), European Commission 6th Framework Programme NoE (ETH Zürich, 417K EUR ~ 310K GBP; Total grant: 6 million Euro)
- COST294-MAUSE (2005-2009), European Commission ESF COST Action (ETH Zürich, varying yearly grant, on average: 90K per year)
- I4Camp (2005-2008), European Commission 6th Framework Programme STREP (University of Leicester, 382K Euro ~ 260K GBP; Total grant: 2.6 million Euro)
- EFFUSE (2005-2009). National project on HCI in Medicine (in collaboration with Svetlena Taneva, PhD candiate), funded by Schweizer Staat Sekretariat für Bildung and Forschung (Swiss State Secretary for Education and Research) (Total grant: 220K CHF ~ 96K GBP)
- MerLab (2008-2009). Lenonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme (University of Leicester, ~29K Euro; Total grant 193K Euro).
- Running
- 80Days (2008-2010). European Commission 7th Framework Programme STREP (University of Leicester, ~350K Euro; Total grant: 3.3 million Euro)
- iCOPER (2008-2011). eContentplus, European Commission 7th Framework Programme (University of Leicester)
- ROLE (2009-2013). European Commission 7th Framework Programme Collaborative Project (University of Leicester, ~497K Euro; Total grant: 6.6 million Euro)
- International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems (IWIPS) 2004
- International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems (IWIPS) 2005
- Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2005
- Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2006
- Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2007
- HCI Conference (British HCI Group) 2005
- HCI Conference (British HCI Group) 2006
- HCI Conference (British HCI Group) 2007
- NordiCHI 2006
- IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2007)
- International Journal of Human Computer Interaction (IJHCI)
- Interacting with Computers (IwC)
- Journal of Usability Studies (online)
- Chair of the project COST294-MAUSE
- Co-chair of International Workshop on User Interfaces Quality Models, 12-13 September 2005, Rome, Italy (in conjunction with INTERACT 2005)
- Co-chair of International Workshop on "User Experiences - Towards a Unified View" in conjunction with NordiCHI 2006, 14th October 2006, Oslo, Norway.
- Co-chair of International Workshop on "Report, Review and Refine Usability Evaluation Methods (R3-UEM)", 5th March 2007, Athens, Greece.
- Co-chair of International Workshop on "Towards a UX Manifesto" in conjunction with HCI 2007, 3rd September 2007, University of Lancaster, UK
- Co-chair of International Workshop on "Downstream Utility: The Good, the Bad and Utterly Useless Usability Evaluation Feedback", 6th November 2007, Toulouse, France
- Co-chair of Student Volunteers Committee of IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2007)
- Co-chair of Special Interest Groups (SIG) Committee of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008)