Escaped cage birds that have been seen on Okinawa I. include:
E01. Numida melegris. Common Guinea-fowl. Horohoro-cho. (1 set of records).
E02. Cacatua alba. White-crested Cockatoo. Taihaku-oumu. (2 records).
E03. Psittacula sp. Daruma-inko-rui(2 records)
E04. Nymphicus hollandicus. Cockatiel. Okame-inko. (1 record).
E05. Agapornis fischeri. Fischer's Lovebird. Botan-inko. (1 record)
E06. Trichoglossus haematodus. Rainbow Lory. Goshiki-seigai-inko. (1 record).
E07. Melopsittacus undulatus. Budgerigar. Sekisei-inko. (many records of single birds, no breeding as of yet).
E08. Columba livia var. domestica. Feral Pigeon. Do-bato. (many records with breeding success).
E09. Leiothrix lutea. Red-billed Leiothrix. Soushi-cho. (1 record).
E10. Euplectes afer. Yellow-crownd Bishop. Ougon-cho. (1 record).
E11. Euplectes orix. Red Bishop. Kinran-cho. (1 record).
E12. Padda oryzivora. Java Sparrow. Bun-cho. (a few records).
E13. Lonchura malacca malacca. Black-headed Munia. Ginpara. (a few records).
E14. Lonchura maja. White-headed Munia. Heki-cho. (a few records, with one record on Tokashiki on 23 November 1985 by Kaneda).
E15. Vidua macroura. Pin-tailed Whydah. Tennin-cho. (1 record).
E16. Amandava amandava. Red Avadavat. Beni-suzume. (uncommon, often seen in pairs, one known breeding success. Takehara & Harato (1992) recorded from Ie).
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Last modified: April 25, 1997.
Fer-Jan de Vries,