Report of a kamo-count in Ottonuma and Doho park.

Date: January 17,1998.
Time: 9:45-11:45
Wether:cloudy  (both ponds were fleezing)

DATA:only ducks waterbirds...

[Doho park]

Mallard (ma-gamo)                            2
Spot-billed duck (karu-gamo)                61
Green-winged Teal (ko-gamo)                  1
Northern Pintail (onaga-gamo)               79
                           ducks total     143 (5 sp)

[Ottonuma park]

Litte Grebe (kaitsuburi)                     1
Great Egret (dai-sagi)                       1
Little Egret (ko-sagi)                       2+

Whistling(Bewick)Swan (ko-hakuchou)         22  max of this season 
                                               was 23
Mallard (ma-gamo)                           11
Spot-billed duck (karu-gamo)                28
Green-winged Teal (ko-gamo)                 11
Falcated Teal (yoshi-gamo)                  48
Gadwall (okayoshi-gamo)                      7  few this year
Eurasian Wigeon (hidori-gamo)               91
Northern Pintail (onaga-gamo)               57
Northern Shoveler (hashibiro-gamo)          86
European Pochard (hoshi-hajiro)              2

                        ducks total        341 (9 sp)           
                          (except swans)
Moorhen (ban)                                4
Common Coot (oo-ban)                        11

Common Kingfisher (kawa-semi)                1
Thank you,
