University of Leicester


photo of Irek Ulidowski

STAFF — Irek Ulidowski   B.Sc. (Queen Mary), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Imperial College)

Associate Professor in Computer Science
612 Ken Edwards Building
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences,
University of Leicester,
University Road,
LE1 7RH.

T: +44 (0)116 252 3801
F: +44 (0)116 252 3604

I received a BSc degree in Mathematics with Computer Science from Queen Mary College, University of London, in 1987. In 1988 I was awarded MSc in the Foundations of Advanced Information Technology at the Department of Computing of Imperial College, University of London. I stayed at Imperial College for several more years while conducting doctorate research, and in 1994 I received a PhD degree for a thesis Local Testing and Implementable Concurrent Processes.

I was appointed to a Lectureship in the School of Computing, University of North London in 1992. From September 1994 to December 1997, I held a position of Associate Professor at the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS) of Kyoto University, Japan. In 1998 I was appointed to the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Leicester. Currently I am a member of the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences within the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Leicester.


  • Reversing message passing and shared memory concurrent programs with application to debugging.
  • Models of Reversible Computation: reversing CCS and other process calculi; modelling of biochemical systems with reversible process calculi, reversible DI-circuits and reversible cellular automata.
  • Semantics of Reversible Computation: reversible bisimulationis, modal logics, and event structures.
  • Process Calculi: operational semantics; testing and game semantics; behavioural equivalences; proof systems; process calculi with discrete time.
  • Structured Operational Semantics: formats of SOS rules, congruence results; automatic generation of proof systems; automatic generation of rewrite systems; formats for discrete time and timed properties.
  • Modelling in Ubiquitous Computing: location, movement, mobility, communication.
  • Term Rewriting: term rewriting with priorities, termination and confluence; automatic generation of priority term rewrite systems.

Professional Activities

Conferences and Workshops

Research Students

If you are interested in PhD research in one of the above listed areas, and would like to discuss a possible course of study, then please get in touch by email.

Recently graduated PhD students:

  • James Hoey
  • Stefan Kuhn
  • Daniel Morrison
  • Nosheen Gul


  • Director of Part-time Teaching.


  • CO1108: Foundations of Computation.
  • CO7210: Personal and Group Skills.

Author: Irek Ulidowski (, T: +44 (0)116 252 3801.
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