University of Leicester


photo of Martin Birks

STAFF — Martin Birks  Hons. BSc. (University of Leicester 2008)

Graduate Teaching Assistant, PhD Student
G1 Ken Edwards Building
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences,
University of Leicester,
University Road,
LE1 7RH.

T: +44 (0)116 252 3904
E: mb259 at

About Me

I grew up in Mansfield and made the short trip down the M1 to Leicester to study computer science here. I was lucky enough to win an award each year of my undergraduate degree, and then managed to get my current job as a GTA, allowing me to take carry on my studies here while assisting with the teaching of some modules. I also make software for the department.

I'm a keen guitarist and try to gig as often as possible in and around the Uni and Leicester, as well as making occasional trips to Coventry. As well as being on the committee of the Band and Gig society to make it easier to get myself gigs, I am on the committee of the Universities Real Ale society so if anyone is interested in either of these don't hesitate to get in touch.


My research is based around using online algorithms to solve scheduling problems. My supervisor is Stanley P Y Fung.



Second Semester 2008-2009

  • CO1005 - Data Structures and Development Environments
  • CO3099 - Cryptography and Internet Security
  • CO7101 - Java for Bioinformatics

First Semester 2008-2009

  • CO1003 - Program Design
  • CO1012 - Discrete Structures
  • CO2016 - Multimedia and Computer Graphics

Author: Martin Birks (mb259 at, T: +44 (0)116 252 3904.
© University of Leicester 18/9/08. Last modified: 13th June 2011, 10:40:46
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