University of Leicester


STAFF — Roy L. Crole  M.A. M.Math. Ph.D. (Cambridge) CITP, FBCS, FIMA, SFHEA

Associate Professor in Computer Science
KE521 Ken Edwards Building
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences,
University of Leicester,
University Road,
LE1 7RH.

T: +44 (0)116 252 3404
F: +44 (0)116 252 3604
E: R.Crole at le dot ac dot uk

  • Biography I attended The Maidstone School for Boys (now Oakwood Park Grammar School) and Churchill College, Cambridge. At Cambridge I read the Mathematical Tripos, and received my MA degree and the Certificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics (MMath) from the University of Cambridge. I remained at Churchill College while undertaking doctoral research, and was supervised by Professor Andrew Pitts at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory. I received a PhD degree for my thesis Programming Metalogics with a Fixpoint Type. I then moved to Imperial College in the University of London, and conducted one year of postdoctoral research funded by the ESPRIT project Categorical Logic in Computer Science. I subsequently obtained an SERC (now EPSRC ) Open Research Fellowship and remained at Imperial College for a further two years. I currently am an Associate Professor in the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences at Leicester.
  • Teaching I am a committed teacher who believes in a no-nonsense approach, but I apply good pedegogical principles wherever I feel they can make a difference.

    • In 2023 I won the University's Citizens' Award for Teaching Excellence recognizing excellent teaching, high student satisfaction, and many years of work in curriculum design, Chartered Accreditation, and student and staff mentoring. I have also had Student Union Superstar Nominations for Lecturing and my role as a Personal Tutor.
    • Perhaps one of the shortest student evaluation comments I've received, but was happy and humbled to see: "You can't improve on perfection".
    • Most recently I have taught a Course on Computer Architecture (MIPS and ARM) with Peer Assisted Learning tutorials. The approach has led to high achievements and pass rates.
    • !!!! My book Semantic Computer Architecture is in preparation and due for publication by C.U.P. Details to follow! !!!!

    • Long running historical modules have included
    • In the past I have lectured on Denotational Semantics, Logic and Discrete Structures, Game Theory (MSc), Modal Logic, Operational Semantics, Theory of Functional Programming, Practice of Functional Programming and Study Skills and Professional Practice (BSc).
    • I regularly supervise third year BSc projects.
  • Research I develop the semantic theory, and implementations, of (meta) languages for programming and computation. At its heart, the idea is to develop new languages and better understand existing languages by using rigourous semantics that support development of and reasoning about programs. My research lies within the theoretical and mathematical arenas of Computer Science. To find out more please see the information and links below.

    • Areas of Expertise: Category Theory; Categorical Type Theory; Logic; Mechanized Reasoning; Semantics of Programming Languages.
    • Research Themes: Here is an overview of my research, and detailed descriptions of research themes.
    • Publications, Notes and Articles: HTML listing with downloadable files and BibTeX entries.
    • Lecture and Course Material: You can look at some of my postgraduate and undergraduate courses and notes.
    • The Midlands Graduate School: The Midlands Graduate School (MGS) in the Foundations of Computing Science was established in 1999 by the Universities of Birmingham, Leicester and Nottingham; I was Director from 2014 to 2018. MGS has an International Reputation and is often funded by Global Industry. An annual Spring School is held over five days during the Easter vacation period, and comprises a series of courses on introductory, advanced, and emerging topics in the mathematical foundations of computing. Its purpose is to educate and train future leaders in Computing Science. We also run the MGS Christmas seminars, consisting of an afternoon of research talks by both midlands and invited speakers.
    • Professional Societies: See my memberships and fellowships.
  • Administration

    • I am currently the School Academic Lead for an international partnership with the Apollo University, Chittoor, India. I am also on the BCS Register of Assessors for UK Chartered Degree Accreditation.
    • I represent the School at the London Mathematical Society.
    • I recently completed four years as Director of Admissions and Recruitment for the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, and a couple of years on the School Management Group. In 2022 and 2024 my Admissions Team were finalists in the University's Citizens' Award for Student Recruitment and Retention.
    • I have held a wide range range of posts within the School, and also the Faculty of Science (to 2010) and currently the College of Science and Engineering (2010 onwards). From Summer 2018 to 2021 I was Deputy Head of School.
    • My previous positions have included leadership roles such as Academic (Teaching and Learning) Director; Undergraduate Admissions Coordinator; Chair of the Teaching Committee, and of the Curriculum Committee; Undergraduate Programmes Director; member of the Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee, and College Academic Committee; member of the Board of the Faculty of Science; member of the Management Committee; Director of Part Time Teaching; and QAA Coordinator. I've been actively involved in, sometimes chairing, a large range of School and University working groups, and held a number of other School positions over many years.
    • I was the School Professional Accreditation Officer from 1998 to 2018. Our Undergraduate degrees are accredited up to and including 2028 entry, folllowing a successful 2023 Accreditation visit. I led the 1998, 2003, 2008, 2013 visits, and substantially supported the 2018 and 2023 visits.
  • Roy L. Crole:

Author: Roy L. Crole (R.Crole at le dot ac dot uk), T: +44 (0)116 252 3404.
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