University of Leicester


Lecture and Course Material

Postgraduate Level

Undergraduate Level

The following are examples of courses which have been taught as part of the Degree in Computer Science at the University of Leicester. Copies of the notes can be requested from the author (if not present on the web).

  • R. L. Crole. Computer Systems. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Lecture Notes, LATEX format with subject index. Notes and Slides
  • R. L. Crole. Operational Semantics. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Lecture Notes, LATEX format 107 pages with subject and notation index. Notes and Slides
  • R. L. Crole. Semantics of Programming Languages. Comprehensive lecture notes for third year undergraduates. LaTeX format vi+97pp with subject and notation indexes. Notes and Slides
  • R. L. Crole. Theory of Functional Programming. Comprehensive lecture notes for second year undergraduates. LaTeX format iv+62pp with index. Notes and Slides
  • R. L. Crole. Modal Logic. Comprehensive lecture notes for second year undergraduates. LaTeX format, iv+43pp with index. Notes and Slides
  • R. L. Crole. Discrete Structures. Comprehensive lecture notes for first year undergraduates. LaTeX format iii+59pp with index.

Author: Roy Crole.
© University of Leicester March 2018. Last modified: 21st March 2018, 10:25:15
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