Lecture and Course Material
Category Theory lectures and supporting materials for the Midlands Graduate School in the
Foundations of Computer Science, 2015.
Categorical Type Theory lectures and exercises for a course at Nanchang
University, Nanchang, 2009.
Operational Semantics lectures and supporting materials for the Midlands Graduate School in the
Foundations of Computer Science, 2006, 2007 and 2008.
Coinduction and Bisimulation lectures for the
Foundations of Security Summer School, Eugene,
Oregon, USA, 2003.
Basic Category Theory for Models of Syntax at the
Summer School on Generic Programming, Oxford, UK, 2002. Part of this
course was also given at the
Midlands Graduate School in the Foundations of Computer Science
during April 2003.
Categorical Logic and Type Theory at the
EEF Foundations Summer School on Logical Methods at BRICS Aarhus, June
25-July 6, 2001.
- I gave a series of lectures on
Induction and Coinduction during 1998, and during 2000 and 2001 as
part of the
Midlands Graduate School in the Foundations of Computer
- I gave a series of
covering A Theory of Objects
by Abadi and Cardelli during the first semester of 1997.
Copies of the foils are available from the author.
- A postgraduate lecture course Categories and Applications
to Semantics given during the Autumn term at Imperial College
in 1993/4.
- I ran a reading group which studied category theory during
the Winter term at Imperial College in 1992/3.
- A postgraduate lecture course on Categories and Types
given at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory in
The following are examples of courses which have been taught as part
of the Degree in Computer Science at the University of Leicester.
Copies of the notes can be requested from the author (if not
present on the web).
R. L. Crole.
Computer Systems.
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Lecture Notes,
LATEX format with
subject index.
Notes and Slides
R. L. Crole.
Operational Semantics.
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Lecture Notes,
LATEX format 107 pages with
subject and notation index.
Notes and Slides
R. L. Crole. Semantics of Programming
Languages. Comprehensive lecture notes for third year undergraduates. LaTeX
format vi+97pp with subject and notation indexes.
Notes and Slides
R. L. Crole. Theory of Functional Programming.
Comprehensive lecture notes for second year undergraduates. LaTeX format
iv+62pp with index.
Notes and Slides
R. L. Crole. Modal Logic. Comprehensive
lecture notes for second year undergraduates. LaTeX format, iv+43pp
with index.
Notes and Slides
R. L. Crole. Discrete
Structures. Comprehensive lecture
notes for first year undergraduates. LaTeX format iii+59pp with index.