University of Leicester


STAFF — Rajeev Raman

Professor of Computer Science
F33 Ken Edwards Building
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences,
University of Leicester,
University Road,
LE1 7RH.

T: +44 (0)116 252 3894
F: +44 (0)116 252 3604

Teaching and Administration

My teaching interests include algorithms and data structures, data compression methods, parallel algorithms, algorithmic issues in the World-Wide-Web, data mining. I'm currently teaching CO7213: Networking and Distributed Computing and CO3096: Compression Methods for Multimedia. I supervise a number of third-year and MSc projects.

I have a number of administrative roles including Research Committee Chair and MSc Examinations Officer.


Research Themes

My interests are broadly in algorithms and complexity, and mostly lie in the area of data structure design. This aspect of my research comes under the Algorithms: Complexity and Engineering (ACE) departmental research theme.

In recent years I have worked in succinct data structures. SDS represent user-provided data using an amount of computer memory close to the information-theoretic minimum and support very rapid queries and updates on the data. SDS have been shown to have very good theoretical and practical performance for a growing range of applications including text search and XML processing.

In addition to studying algorithms from a mathematical viewpoint, I am actively involved in algorithm engineering, which includes:

  • the implementation, experimental testing, and fine-tuning of discrete algorithms.
  • the development of software repositories and platforms which allow use of, and experimentation with, efficient discrete algorithms.
  • methodological issues including standards in the context of empirical research on algorithms and data structures.
  • methodological issues regarding the process of converting user requirements into efficient algorithmic solutions and implementations.

I also have interests in data mining. I am a member of an active working group on Knowledge Discovery and Machine Learning. My interests in particular are on mining of uncertain data and applications of succinct data structures to data mining.


DBLP record, or Google Scholar entry.

Selected publications, some downloadable, here. There is a small chance that you will be able to find some papers on our excellent, intuitive and user-friendly institutional archive, the Leicester Research Archive (LRA). (Not to be confused with other LRAs.)

PhD Students

I am looking for PhD students with strong backgrounds in algorithms, mathematics or programming (particularly of the algorithmic variety) to work on topics such as these. If you have a different idea, please get in touch with me.



Research Projects

Also check out the SiXML initiative.

Research Service


Brief Bio


PhD (CS), University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA, 1993.
MS (CS), University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA, 1988.
BTech (CS and Engg), Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, New Delhi, India, 1986.
(Businessweek gushes about the Indian Institutes of Technology)


After defending my PhD thesis in October 1991, I took up a Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Algorithms and Complexity Group at the Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, which is headed by Kurt Mehlhorn. In January 1993 I joined the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, as a Research Associate working with Uzi Vishkin. Crossing the Atlantic yet again, I joined the Algorithm Design Group at King's College London in 1994. I have been at Leicester since January 2001.

I've been a visiting researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut and at Hong Kong UST. I taught high school students at the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth.

Author: Rajeev Raman (, T: +44 (0)116 252 3894.
© University of Leicester 31st January 2001. Last modified: 4th February 2022, 12:51:51
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