University of Leicester


photo of Alexey Bakhirkin

RESEARCH STUDENT — Alexey Bakhirkin  Engineer (Bauman MSTU)

G2 Ken Edwards Building
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences,
University of Leicester,
University Road,
LE1 7RH.

T: +44 (0)116 252 3883
E: ab643 (at)

Research interests

Program analysis/abstract interpretation, (non-)termination, model checking.

PhD seminars

If you're interested in the departmental PhD Seminars event, please, drop me a line.


In Leicester:
Finding Recurrent Sets with Backwards Analysis and Trace Partitioning (A. Bakhirkin, N. Piterman), to appear in TACAS, 2016. [pdf] [slides]
A Forward Analysis for Recurrent Sets (A. Bakhirkin, J. Berdine, N. Piterman), in SAS, 2015. [tr pdf] [final] [slides]
Backward Analysis via Over-Approximate Abstraction and Under-Approximate Subtraction (A. Bakhirkin, J. Berdine, N. Piterman), in SAS, 2014. [tr pdf] [final] [slides]

Before: A Comparison of Blocking and Non-Blocking Synchronization in Object-Based Software Transactional Memory (A. Bakhirkin), in PACO, 2010. In Russian. [pdf]


Slides from BCS event at Leicester, 2015 – Does my program ever finish?

CV [pdf] [html]

Author: Alexey Bakhirkin (ab643 (at), T: +44 (0)116 252 3883.
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