University of Leicester


CO3007—Communication and Concurrency

Dr. I. Ulidowski

A concurrent system is a system consisting of several components such that each component acts concurrently with, and independently of, the other components, and the components can also communicate (or interact) with each other to synchronize their behaviour or to exchange information. In recent decades there has been much interest in and demand for concurrent systems such as, for example, communication networks, air traffic controllers and industrial plant control systems. As concurrent systems are often very complex and essential in our everyday life, it is vital that they are highly reliable. Therefore, there is a growing need for formal description languages and software tools that can assist us in the design and construction of reliable concurrent systems. The module will provide students with the opportunity to study the language CCS

and how it can be used to describe, design and verify simple concurrent and communicating systems.

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Author: Dr. I. Ulidowski.
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