PhD Student in Department of Computer Sciences
G 02 Ken Edwards Building School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH.
T: +44 (0)116 252 3883 F: +44 (0)116 252 3915 E: mn105 (AT) mcs.le.ac.uk
- PhD Student in Computer Science, University of Leicester since April 2008. My Research Topic is "Flexible Services Specification and Matching". My PhD project is supervised by
Prof. Dr. Reiko Heckel.
- Masters from University Institute of Information Technology, University of Arid Agriculture Rawalpindi, PAKISTAN 2001~2003.
- Graduation from University of Peshawar, PAKISTAN, in 2000.
- Software Product Lines.
- Graph Transformation Systems.
- Flexible Services Specification and Matching.
- Connection of Feature Modelling with Graph Transformation Systems.
- Towards Matching of Service Feature Models based on Linear Logic.
Muhammad Naeem and
Reiko Heckel. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Services, Clouds, and Alternative Design Strategies for Variant-Rich Software Systems (SCArVeS) Co-located with SPLC’11, August 2011, Munich, Germany. {pdf, bibtex}
- Incremental Service Composition Based on Partial Matching of Visual Contracts. Muhammad Naeem, Reiko Heckel, Fernando Orejas and Frank Hermann. In Proceedings of Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE'2010) March 2010, pp 123-138. {pdf, bibtex}
- Semi-Automated Service Composition using VisualContracts. Muhammad Naeem, Reiko Heckel and Fernando Orejas. In Proceedings of Seventh event of International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT’09) December 2009. {pdf, bibtex}
- Flexible Services Specification and Matching Based on Feature Models. Muhammad Naeem and Reiko Heckel. In Proceedings of The First International Workshop on Model-Driven Product-Line Engineering (MDPLE’09) Co-located with ECMDA’09, June 2009, pp 34 - 42. {pdf, bibtex}
- Thirteenth European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS, 20-28 March 2010, Paphos, Cyprus.
- Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE'2010), 20-26 March 2010, Paphos, Cyprus.
- Seventh International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology, FIT, 16-18 December 2009, COMSATS, Abbottabad, Pakistan.
- Fifth European Conference on Model-Driven Architecture Foundations and Applications, ECMDA, June 2009, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.
- ECMDA Workshop Model-Driven Product-Line Engineering (MDPLE’09), MDPLE, June 2009, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.
- Fourth International Conference on Graph Transformation, ICGT, September 2008, Oadby Leicester, UK.
- IBM Rational Software Development Conference, June 2008, London, UK.