Graph transformation tools for research and education, as well as applications of graph transformation techniques to build other useful software. Note also the activity on designing an interchange format for graph transformation systems.

Tools for Graph Transformation

Graph Transformation-enabled Software

  • Concurrent Clean: A state-of-the-art, pure and lazy functional programming language based on term graph rewriting.
  • DiaGen: A generator for diagram editors from graph grammar specifications of visual languages.
  • Fujaba: From UML to Java and Back Again: A CASE tool for round trip engineering with UML, SDM, Java and design patterns.
  • Klotho: Biochemical compounds declarative database - uses layered graph grammars as its modeling language.
  • Optimix: The Optimizer Generator: Lets the user specify graph transformations in a declarative language, based on relational graph rewriting. From these Optimix generates Java or C code that navigates/modifies supplied Java objects/C structs.
  • Tiger: An environment for transformation-based generation of modeling environments based on Eclipse EMF and GEF technology
  • VARLET: An environment for information system reengineering  based on triple graph grammars and  PROGRES.