University of Leicester


CO7201—Individual Project

Dr. R. Craggs and Dr. N. Piterman

After examinations, an individual research project can be undertaken full-time by the students who qualify to do so. The Individual Project is carried out under the supervision of a member of the academic staff that students are invited to contact as early as possible to supervise their work. Students may wish to complement the foundational material of the first two terms with practical, applied work during the project. It is possible to involve informal collaboration with other organisations, subject to previous approval of the project supervisor.

The individual project will lead to submission of a dissertation where the original elements of the student research are described. Projects can involve a number of activities that range from substantial programming to purely theoretical research. In any case, projects must be at postgraduate level; they are expected to contain some element of original work and cannot simply be a review of literature.

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Author: Dr. R. Craggs and Dr. N. Piterman.
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