University of Leicester


CO7214—Service-Oriented Architectures

Prof. R. Heckel

A Web service is an application component deployed on a Web accessible platform, provided by a service provider to be discovered and invoked over the Web by a service requestor. Service-oriented architectures, the underlying architectural style of Web services, combine ideas from component-based and distributed systems, adding the idea of services as loosely coupled components that may be discovered and linked at runtime. Applications range from enterprise application integration, via electronic commerce, to dynamic e-business scenarios and the Internet of Things.

The lecture shall give an introduction to two basic technologies that underly Web services, XML and SOAP-based services as well as REST services, and present a systematic, model-based development approach using the UML. This includes the specification of service interfaces by means of UML diagrams, the systematic (and partly automatic) generation of the corresponding service descriptions, the implementation of services and their clients in Java and the model-based testing of services.

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Author: Prof. R. Heckel.
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