University of Leicester


photo of Julien Lange

STAFF — Julien Lange  MSc (University of Namur, Belgium)

Graduate Teaching Assistant, PhD Student
G1 Ken Edwards Building
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences,
University of Leicester,
University Road,
LE1 7RH.

T: +44 (0)116 252 3904
E: jlange (at)

I Have Moved...

I have moved to Imperial College London, this page is no longer maintained.

About Me

I graduated (Maitrise en Science Informatique, avec Grande Distinction) from the University of Namur, Belgium, in September 2008. My master's thesis is called "On Secure Services for Embedded Mobile Peer-to-peer Systems: Conceptual Framework and its Implementation in the Coordination Language SecureLime". Right after that, I worked for a year in The Netherlands at the European Space Agency (YGT programme in the On-board Software Systems section). I arrived in Leicester in September 2009 to start a PhD while working as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA). My supervisor is Emilio Tuosto.


I have a broad interest in concurreny theory. I am mainly working on formal modelling of distributed systems. In particular, I am currently working on a framework whereby it is possible to synthesize a global perspective of a distributed system from local specifications.

VOSENID, A Modular Toolkit for Distributed Interactions.


I am a PC member of ICE'2013.

Together with Frank Nebel, I organise PhD Seminars, a series of presentations given by PhD and research students in computer science and mathematics from Leicester and other universities in the UK.



Author: Julien Lange (jlange (at), T: +44 (0)116 252 3904.
© University of Leicester September 2009. Last modified: 5th November 2013, 17:08:53
CMS Web Maintainer. Any opinions expressed on this page are those of the author.