University of Leicester


Publications of Karsten Ehrig


  • H. Ehrig, K. Ehrig, U. Prange, and G. Taentzer.
    Fundamentals of Algebraic Graph Transformation.
    EATCS Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science, Springer, 2006.
    • Abstract.
      Graphs are widely used to represent structural information in the form of objects and connections between them. Graph transformation is the rule-based manipulation of graphs, an increasingly important concept in computer science and related fields. This is the first textbook treatment of the algebraic approach to graph transformation, based on algebraic structures and category theory.
      Part I is an introduction to the classical case of graph and typed graph transformation. In Part II basic and advanced results are first shown for an abstract form of replacement systems, so-called adhesive high-level replacement systems based on category theory, and are then instantiated to several forms of graph and Petri net transformation systems. Part III develops typed attributed graph transformation, a technique of key relevance in the modeling of visual languages and in model transformation. Part IV contains a practical case study on model transformation and a presentation of the AGG (attributed graph grammar) tool environment. Finally the appendix covers the basics of category theory, signatures and algebras.
      The book addresses both research scientists and graduate students in computer science, mathematics and engineering.


  • K. Ehrig, J. M. Küster, G. Taentzer.
    Generating Instance Models from Meta Models.
    Journal on Software and System Modeling: Volume 8, Issue 4, pp. 479, Springer, 2009.
    • Abstract. Meta modeling is a wide-spread technique to define visual languages, with the UML being the most prominent one. Despite several advantages of meta modeling such as ease of use, the meta modeling approach has one disadvantage: It is not constructive i.e. it does not offer a direct means of generating instances of the language. This disadvantage poses a severe limitation for certain applications. For example, when developing model transformations, it is desirable to have enough valid instance models available for large scale testing. Producing such a large set by hand is tedious. In the related problem of compiler testing, a string grammar together with a simple generation algorithm is typically used to produce words of the language automatically. In this paper, we introduce instance-generating graph grammars for creating instances of meta models, thereby overcoming the main deficit of the meta modeling approach for defining languages.
  • J. de Lara, R. Bardohl, H. Ehrig, K. Ehrig, U. Prange, G. Taentzer.
    Attributed graph transformation with node type inheritance.
    Theoretical Computer Science, ELSEVIER, vol. 376, pages 139–163, 2007.
    • Abstract. The aim of this paper is to integrate typed attributed graph transformation with node type inheritance. Borrowing concepts from object oriented systems, the main idea is to enrich the attributed type graph with an inheritance relation and a set of abstract nodes. In this way, a node type inherits the attributes and edges of all its ancestors. Based on these concepts, it is possible to define abstract productions, containing abstract nodes. These productions are equivalent to a number of concrete productions, resulting from the substitution of the abstract node types by the node types in their inheritance clan. Therefore, productions become more compact and suitable for their use in combination with meta-modelling. The main results of this paper show that attributed graph transformation with node type inheritance is fully compatible with the existing concept of typed attributed graph transformation.
  • H. Ehrig, K. Ehrig, U. Prange, G. Taentzer.
    Fundamental Theory for Typed Attributed Graphs and Graph Transformation based on Adhesive HLR Categories.
    Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 74(1), pages 31-61, 2006.
    • Abstract. The concept of typed attributed graphs and graph transformation is most significant for modeling and meta modeling in software engineering and visual languages, but up to now there is no adequate theory for this important branch of graph transformation. In this article we give a new formalization of typed attributed graphs, which allows node and edge attribution. The first main result shows that the corresponding category is isomorphic to the category of algebras over a specific kind of attributed graph structure signature. This allows to prove the second main result showing that the category of typed attributed graphs is an instance of ''adhesive HLR categories''.
      This new concept combines adhesive categories introduced by Lack and Sobocinski with the well-known approach of high-level replacement (HLR) systems using a new simplified version of HLR conditions. As a consequence we obtain a rigorous approach to typed attributed graph transformation providing as fundamental results the Local Church-Rosser, Parallelism, Concurrency, Embedding and Extension Theorem and a Local Confluence Theorem known as Critical Pair Lemma in the literature.
  • H. Ehrig, K. Ehrig, A. Habel, and K.-H. Pennemann.
    Theory of Constraints and Application Conditions: From Graphs to High-Level Structures.
    Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 74(1), pages 135-166, 2006.
    • Abstract. Graph constraints and application conditions are most important for graph grammars and transformation systems in a large variety of application areas. Although different approaches have been presented in the literature already there is no adequate theory up to now which can be applied to different kinds of graphs and high-level structures. In this paper, we introduce an improved notion of graph constraints and application conditions and show under what conditions the basic results can be extended from graph transformation to high-level replacement systems. In fact, we use the new framework of adhesive HLR categories recently introduced as combination of HLR systems and adhesive categories. Our main results are the transformation of graph constraints into right application conditions and the transformation from right to left application conditions in this new framework.
  • K. Ehrig, C. Ermel, and G. Taentzer.
    Erstellung eines grafischen Editor-Plug-Ins mit Eclipse EMF und GEF.
    OBJEKTspektrum, Sigs-Datacom, Vol. 2, pp. 31-34, 2005.
    • Abstract. Das Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) und das Graphical Editor Framework (GEF) bieten die Möglichkeit, in kurzer Zeit ein grafisches Editor Plug-In zu erstellen, welches auf einen formalen Modell beruht. EMF unterstützt hierbei die automatische Java-Codegenerierung des Editor- Modells aus einem EMF-Klassendiagramm. Mit GEF wird der Modell-Code in das grafische Editor Plug-In integriert, welches direkt in der Eclipse Runtime-Workbench ausgeführt werden kann. Hierbei stellt GEF eine Reihe von Standardoperationen für grafische Editoren bereit, wie z.B. eine Editorpalette, Zooming und Funktionalität zum Rückgängigmachen/Wiederherstellen von Editieroperationen.
    • The Petri Net Editor Plug-In is avaliable at

Conference Papers

  • H. Ehrig, K. Ehrig, C. Ermel, F. Hermann, G. Taentzer.
    Information Preserving Bidirectional Model Transformations.
    Proceedings Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4422, Springer, 2007.
    • Abstract. Within model-driven software development, model transformation has become a key activity. It refers to a variety of operations modifying a model for various purposes such as analysis, optimization, and code generation. Most of these transformations need to be bidirectional to e.g. report analysis results, or keep coherence between models. In several application-oriented papers it has been shown that triple graph grammars are a promising approach to bidirectional model transformations. But up to now, there is no formal result showing under which condition corresponding forward and backward transformations are inverse to each other in the sense of information preservation. This problem is solved in this paper based on general results for the theory of algebraic graph transformations. The results are illustrated by a transformation of class models to relational data base models which has become a quasi standard example for model transformation.
  • L. Baresi, K. Ehrig, R. Heckel.
    Verification of Model Transformations: A Case Study with BPEL.
    Proc. Second Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing, TGC'06, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006.
    • Abstract. Model transformations, like refinement or refactoring, have to respect the semantics of the models transformed. In the case of behavioural models this semantics can be specified by transformations, too, describing an abstract interpreter for the language. Both kinds of transformations, if given in a rule-based way, can formally be described as graph transformations. In this paper, we present executable business processes, their operational semantics and refactoring, as an example of this fact. Using results from graph transformation theory about critical pairs and local confluence, we show that our transformations preserve the semantics of processes. The analysis is performed by means of the graph transformation tool AGG.
  • E. Biermann, K. Ehrig, Ch. Köhler, G. Kuhns, G. Taentzer, and E. Weiss
    Graphical Definition of In-Place Transformations in the Eclipse Modeling Framework.
    Proc. ACM/IEEE 9th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Genova, Italy. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2006.
    • Abstract. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) provides a modeling and code generation framework for Eclipse applications based on structured data models. Although EMF provides basic operations for modifying EMF based models, a framework for graphical definition of rule-based modification of EMF models is still missing. In this paper we present a framework for in-place EMF model transformation based on graph transformation. Transformations are visually defined by rules on object patterns typed over an EMF core model. Defined transformation systems can be compiled to Java code building up on generated EMF classes. As running example different refactoring methods for Ecore models are considered.
    • The tool environment is available via the Tiger EMF Transformer Homepage at
  • K. Ehrig, R. Heckel, and J. Lajios
    Molecular Analysis of Metabolic Pathway with Graph Transformation.
    Proc. 3rd International Conference on Graph Transformations (ICGT'06) Natal, Brasil. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2006.
    • Honoured with the EASST (European Association of Software Science and Technology) best paper award.
    • Abstract. Metabolic pathway analysis is one of the tools used in biology and medicine in order to understand reaction cycles in living cells. A shortcoming of the approach, however, is that reactions are analysed only at a level corresponding to what is known as the ’collective token view’ in Petri nets, i.e., summarising the number of atoms of certain types in a compound, but not keeping track of their identity. In this paper we propose a refinement of pathway analysis based on hypergraph grammars, modelling reactions at a molecular level. We consider as an example the citric acid cycle, a classical, but non-trivial reaction for energy utilisation in living cells. Our approach allows the molecular analysis of the cycle, tracing the flow of individual carbon atoms based on a simulation using the graph transformation tool AGG.
    • The tool environment is available via the AGG Homepage at
  • K. Ehrig, J. Küster, G. Taentzer, and J. Winkelmann
    Generating Instance Models from Meta Models.
    Proc. 8th IFIP International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems Bologna, Italy. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2006.
    • Abstract. Meta modeling is a wide-spread technique to define visual languages, with the UML being the most prominent one. Despite several advantages of meta modeling such as ease of use, the meta modeling approach has one disadvantage: It is not constructive i. e. it does not offer a direct means of generating instances of the language. This disadvantage poses a severe limitation for certain applications. For example, when developing model transformations, it is desirable to have enough valid instance models available for large-scale testing. Producing such a large set by hand is tedious. In the related problem of compiler testing, a string grammar together with a simple generation algorithm is typically used to produce words of the language automatically. In this paper, we introduce instance-generating graph grammars for creating instances of meta models, thereby overcoming the main deficit of the meta modeling approach for defining languages.
    • The tool environment is available via the AGG Homepage at
  • C. Ermel, H. Ehrig, K. Ehrig,
    Modeling Visual Languages based on Graph Transformation Concepts and Tools.
    In: I. Troch, and F. Breitenecker (eds.): Proc. Intern. IMCAS Symposium on Mathematical Modelling (MathMod). ARGESIM-Reports.
    • Abstract. Visual languages and visual environments are increasingly important for software development. In this paper, we focus on the syntax definition of visual languages and visual models based on graph transformation. In analogy to textual language definition, graph grammars are used to define the structure of visual notations as well as their construction. Two tool environments are presented which have been developed at TU Berlin to support visual language modeling: The graph transformation engine AGG realizes attributed graph transformation at the abstract syntax level. The visual editor generator Tiger relies on AGG and on the graphical editor framework GEF of Eclipse, and generates a syntax-directed graphical editor from a visual language model given as a typed attributed graph transformation system.
    • The tool environment is available via the Tiger Homepage at
  • H. Ehrig, K. Ehrig, C. Ermel, and J. Padberg.
    Construction and Correctness Analysis of a Model Transformation from Activity Diagrams to Petri Nets.
    In: I. Troch, and F. Breitenecker (eds.): Proc. Intern. IMCAS Symposium on Mathematical Modelling (MathMod). ARGESIM-Reports.
    • Abstract. With the growing importance of model-driven development, the ability of transforming models into well-defined semantic domains becomes a key to automated analysis and verification in the software development process. In this paper we use the concept of typed attributed graph transformation to construct a model transformation from a simple version of activity diagrams to Petri nets. Moreover our approach allows a correctness analysis which shows that this model transformation has functional behavior and is syntactically correct. This is the basis to use well-known analysis and verification techniques of Petri nets also for activity diagrams. The model transformation has been implemented in the Tiger environment developed at TU Berlin.
    • The tool environment is available via the Tiger Homepage at
  • K. Ehrig, C. Ermel, S. Hänsgen, and G. Taentzer.
    Generation of Visual Editors as Eclipse Plug-Ins.
    Proc. 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering.
    IEEE Computer Society, Long Beach California, USA, 2005.
    • Abstract. Visual Languages (VLs) play an important role in software system development. Especially when looking at well-defined domains, a broad variety of domain specific visual languages are used for the development of new applications. These languages are typically developed specifically for a certain domain in a way that domain concepts occur as primitives in the language alphabet. Visual modeling environments are needed to support rapid development of domain-specific solutions.
      In this contribution we present a general approach for defining visual languages and for generating language-specific tool environments. The visual language definition is again given in a visual manner and precise enough to completely generate the visual environment. The underlying technology is Eclipse with its plug-in capabilities on the one hand, and formal graph transformation techniques on the other hand. More precisely, we present an Eclipse plug-in generating Java code for visual modeling plug-ins which can be directly executed in the Eclipse Runtime-Workbench.
    • The tool environment is available via the Tiger Homepage at
  • H. Ehrig, K. Ehrig, U. Prange, and G. Taentzer.
    Formal Integration of Inheritance with Typed Attributed Graph Transformation for Efficient VL Definition.
    Proc. of IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC'05), IEEE Computer Society, 2005.
    • Abstract. In our previous work we have shown already how to integrate meta-modeling aspects with graph transformation for visual language definition and model manipulation. More precisely we have extended classical algebraic graph grammars by a node type inheritance concept, which was a first step to integrate graph transformation with meta-modeling aspects. In this paper we show how to integrate type inheritance also with attributed graph transformation, which is even better suited for efficient visual language definition and model manipulation. More precisely we define attributed type graphs with inheritance leading to a formal integration of inheritance with typed attributed graph transformation.
  • H. Ehrig, K. Ehrig, J. de Lara, G. Taentzer, D. Varro, and S. Varro-Gyapay.
    Termination Criteria for Model Transformation.
    Proc. Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE), Springer LNCS 2984, 2005.
    • Abstract. Model Transformation has become central to most software engineering activities. It refers to the process of modifying a (usually graphical) model for the purpose of analysis (by its transformation to some other domain), optimization, evolution, migration or even code generation. In this work, we show termination criteria for model transformation based on graph transformation. This framework offers visual and formal techniques based on rules, in such a way that model transformations can be subject to analysis. Previous results on graph transformation are extended by proving the termination of a transformation if the rules applied meet certain criteria. We show the suitability of the approach by an example in which we translate a simplified version of Statecharts into Petri nets for functional correctness analysis.
  • H. Ehrig, K. Ehrig, A. Habel, and K.-H. Pennemann.
    Constraints and Application Conditions: From Graphs to High-Level Structures.
    Proc. 2nd Int. Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT'04), Springer LNCS 3256 pp. 287-303, 2004.
    • Abstract. Graph constraints and application conditions are most important for graph grammars and transformation systems in a large variety of application areas. Although different approaches have been presented in the literature already there is no adequate theory up to now which can be applied to different kinds of graphs and high-level structures. In this paper, we introduce an improved notion of graph constraints and application conditions and show under what conditions the basic results can be extended from graph transformation to high-level replacement systems. In fact, we use the new framework of adhesive HLR categories recently introduced as combination of HLR systems and adhesive categories. Our main results are the transformation of graph constraints into right application conditions and the transformation from right to left application conditions in this new framework.


  • K. Ehrig.
    Interaktive Segmentierung von Hirninfarkten mit Snake-Verfahren auf der Grundlage von diffusionsgewichteten magnetresonanztomographischen Aufnahmen.
    Dissertation zum Dr. med., Freie Universität Berlin, 2005.
    Published Online at
    • Abstract. In this thesis, precision and reliability of two interactive active contour models (snakes) are presented for segmentation of magnetic resonance images of patients with cerebral ischemias, namely a classical snake approach and an improved snake approach with spline-based snakes. T2- and diffusion-weighted images (DWI) as well as calculated apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC) maps are used for the data analysis. The integration platform for both snake approaches is the Java program ImageJ (Image Processing and Analysis in Java). Both snakes approaches are applied to cerebral ischemia images as well as compared with each other and with the results of a fully automatic feature-based segmentation, which has been applied to the same data material. The segmentation results are evaluated against a manual segmentation, which has been defined independently by a radiologist. It is shown that both snake approaches are significantly better than the feature-based segmentation and that the spline snake approach is significantly better than the classical snake approach.

Master Thesis

  • K. Ehrig.
    Konzeption und Implementierung eines Generators für Animationsumgebungen für visuelle Modellierungssprachen.
    Master Thesis. Published as technical report at the Computer Science Department of the Technical University of Berlin, No. 2003-17, 2003.
    • Abstract. In visual models, selected scenarios can be simulated in application domain oriented views. The basis for such a simulation in the GenGED tool environment is a simulation grammar which defines discrete state transitions for the visual model (e.g. a Petri net). The aim of this report is to describe the concepts and the implementation of a generator for animation environments which generates animation runs on the basis of simulation rules. The generator is integrated in GenGED, an interactive specification environment for visual modelling languages to generate visual modelling environments. The generator for animation environments extends discrete state transitions by continuous animation environments which generates animation runs on the basis of simulation rules. The generator is integrated in GenGED, an interactive specification environment for visual modelling languages to generate visual modelling environments. The generator for animation environments extends discrete state transitions by continuous animations. The resulting animation runs are stored in the XML-based format SVG (scalable vector graphics) and can be viewed by an SVG-viewer. The presented concepts are explained along the concrete application scenario of Petri nets.
    • The tool environment GenGED is available via the GenGED Homepage at

Workshop Papers

  • J. Winkelmann, G. Taentzer, K. Ehrig, and J. Küster.
    Translation of Restricted OCL Constraints into Graph Constraints for Generating Meta Model Instances by Graph Grammars.
    Proc. International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques (GTVMT'06), Satellite Event of ETAPS'06, Vienna, Austria, 2006. Elsevier Science.
    • Abstract. The meta modeling approach to syntax definition of visual modeling techniques has gained wide acceptance, especially by using it for the definition of UML. Since meta-modeling is non-constructive, it does not provide a systematic way to generate all possible meta model instances. In our approach, an instance-generating graph grammar is automatically created from a given meta model. This graph grammar ensures correct typing and cardinality constraints, but OCL constraints for the meta model are not supported yet. To satisfy also the given OCL constraints, wellformedness checks have to be done in addition. We present a restricted form of OCL constraints that can be translated to graph constraints which can be checked during the instance generation process.
  • C. Ermel, H. Ehrig, and K. Ehrig.
    Semantical Correctness of Simulation-to-Animation Model and Rule Transformation.
    Proc. International Workshop on Graph and Model Transformation (GraMoT'06), Satellite Event of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, Brighton, UK, 2006.
    Electronic Communications of the EASST.
    • Abstract. In the framework of graph transformation, simulation rules are well-known to define the operational behavior of visual models. Moreover, it has been shown already how to construct animation rules in a domain specific layout from simulation rules. An important requirement of this construction is the semantical correctness which has not yet been considered. In this paper we give a precise definition for simulation-to-animation (S2A) model and rule transformations. Our main results show under which conditions semantical correctness can be obtained. The results are applied to analyze the S2A transformation of a Radio Clock model.
  • H. Ehrig, K. Ehrig.
    Overview of Formal Concepts for Model Transformations based on Typed Attributed Graph Transformation.
    Proc. International Workshop on Graph and Model Transformation (GraMoT'05). Tallinn, Estonia, 2005.
    Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), Elsevier Science.
    • Abstract. In this paper we give an overview of formal concepts for model transformations between visual languages based on typed attributed graph transformation. We start with a basic concept where visual languages are defined by attributed type graphs only and model transformations by basic typed attributed graph transformation systems. We continue with different kinds of extensions of the basic concepts taking into account application conditions, constraints, generating graph grammars and operational semantics.
      The main aim is to discuss formal correctness criteria for model transformations including syntactical correctness, functional behavior and semantical correctness.
  • K. Ehrig, J. Winkelmann.
    Model Transformation from VisualOCL to OCL using Graph Transformation.
    Proc. International Workshop on Graph and Model Transformation (GraMoT'05). Tallinn, Estonia, 2005.
    Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), Elsevier Science.
    • Abstract. In this paper we present a model transformation from a visual representation (VisualOCL) of the Object Constraint Language (OCL) to the textual one using graph transformation. Starting from VisualOCL diagrams, we show how their underlying abstract syntax can be modeled by typed attributed graphs and converted into an OCL string representation using graph transformation rules.
    • The VisualOCL Editor Plug-In is available at
  • K. Ehrig, C. Ermel, and S. Hänsgen.
    Towards Model Transformation in Generated Eclipse Editor Plug-Ins.
    Proc. International Workshop on Graph and Model Transformation (GraMoT'05). Tallinn, Estonia, 2005.
    Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), Elsevier Science.
    • Abstract. With the growing importance of model-driven development, the ability of transforming models into well-defined semantic domains becomes a key to automated code generation or verification in the software development process.
      In this paper, we describe a high-level concept for specifying model transformations by means of typed, attributed graph transformation at the level of formal visual language specifications for the source and the target language. At the implementation level, a graph-transformation based generator of visual editor Eclipse plug-ins from formal visual language specifications has been developed. On the basis of this generator we discuss concepts for an implementation of the presented model transformation concepts and for an integration with the generated Eclipse plug-ins.
      We explain the concepts for model transformation and their implementation along a concrete model transformation from activity diagrams to Petri nets.
    • The tool environment is available via the Tiger Homepage at
  • K. Ehrig, J. Braun, and T. Tolxdorff.
    Interaktive Segmentierung von Hirninfarkten mittels Snake-Verfahren.
    In Workshop Proceedings: H.-P. Meinzer, H. Handels, A. Horsch, T. Tolxdorff (Hrsg.), Bildverarbeitung in der Medizin, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, S. 98-102, 2005.
    • Abstract.   Klinisches Bildmaterial wurde zur Diagnoseunterstützung mit zwei unterschiedlichen, interaktiven Snake-Verfahren verarbeitet, um die Eignung des Verfahrens für Standard MR-Bilddaten zu quantifizieren. Hierzu wurden beide Snake-Verfahren in das Bildverarbeitungs- und -analyseprogramm ImageJ integriert. Die Adaptation der Parameter erfolgte anhand ausgewählter Datensätze, die eine größtmögliche Variation der zu analysierenden Pathologie wiedergaben. Die Quantifzierung erfolgte für alle Datensätze durch statistische Auswertungen mit Hilfe von Referenzdaten, die unabhängig durch manuelle Segmentierung von einem Spezialisten festgelegt wurden. Im Vergleich der Snake-Verfahren mit einer automatischen, histogrammbasierten Segmentierung zeigte sich eine hochsignifkant bessere Sensitivität bei unveränderter Spezifität.
  • C. Ermel, and K. Ehrig.
    View Transformation in Visual Environments applied to Petri Nets.
    Proc. Workshop on Petri Nets and Graph Transformation (PNGT), Satellite Event of ICGT, Elsevier Science vol. 127(2) pp. 61-86, 2004.
    • Abstract. In this paper we propose a formal, view-based approach to simulate and animate the behavior of visual models at different abstraction levels on the basis of typed, attributed graph transformation. We introduce so-called animation views, which allow to define scenario animations for a given behavior model in a systematic way. Based on the visual language definition for Algebraic High-Level Petri nets, the well-known specification of ''The Dining Philosophers'' serves as running example for the definition of an animation view
      and a scenario animation which directly visualizes the behavior of the dining philosophers sitting around a table. A prototypical implementation of the concepts for view definition, view transformation, simulation and scenario animation as new features of GenGED, an environment for the definition of visual languages and the specification and simulation of visual behavior models, is presented.
    • The tool environment GenGED is available via the GenGED Homepage at
  • K. Ehrig, C. Ermel, S. Hänsgen, and G. Taentzer.
    Towards Graph Transformation based Generation of Visual Editors using Eclipse.
    Visual Languages and Formal Methods (VLFM), ENTCS vol. 127 pp. 127-143, Elsevier Science, 2004.
    • Abstract. This work discusses the state-of-the-art of visual editor generation based on graph transformation concepts on one hand, and using the Eclipse technology which includes the Graphical Editor Framework (GEF), on the other hand. Due to existing shortcomings in both approaches, we present a combined approach for a tool environment that allows to generate a GEF-based editor from a formal, graph-transformation based visual language specification.
    • The tool environment is available via the Tiger Homepage at
  • J. de Lara, C. Ermel, G. Taentzer, and K. Ehrig.
    Parallel Graph Transformation for Model Simulation applied to Timed Transition Petri Nets.
    Proc. ENTCS Workshop on Graphtransformation and Visual Modelling Techniques (GTVMT), R. Heckel (ed.), ENTCS, Elsevier Science, 2004.
    • Abstract. This paper discusses the use of parallel graph transformation systems for (multi-formalism) modeling and simulation and their implementation in the meta-modeling tool AToM3. Parallel graph transformation is used to describe the application of rule schemes in an unknown context. This is important for obtaining general descriptions of the behavior of visual models like Petri nets. After reviewing the concepts of parallel graph transformation which is based on rule amalgamation according to certain rule interaction schemes, a simulator for Timed Transition Petri Nets is modeled using meta-modeling and parallel graph transformation. The extensions of AToM3 in order to support the definition and application of amalgamated rules are also discussed in the paper.
  • R. Bardohl, K. Ehrig, C. Ermel, A. Qemali, and I. Weinhold.
    Specifying Visual Languages with GenGED.
    Proc. of APPLIGRAPH Workshop on Applied Graph Transformation (AGT 2002), H.-J. Kreowski and P. Knirsch (eds.), Satellite Event of the European Joint Conference on Theory and Application of Software (ETAPS), 2002.
    • Abstract. This contribution gives an overview about the current concepts of GenGED, an environment for the visual definition of visual languages (VLs). From the visual definition, a VL specification is obtained that serves as a configuration of a VL-specific environment, i.e., the configuration is dependent on the parameters available in a VL specification: GenGED allows for the visual specification of syntax-directed editing, parsing, and simulation as well. In addition to these features, we show how to define an animation view for a certain VL model.
      All GenGED features are based on the formal concepts of algebraic graph transformation and graphical constraint solving. Hence, we have a well-defined theory which serves as a basis for proper extensions of GenGED.
    • The tool environment GenGED is available via the GenGED Homepage at

Author: Karsten Ehrig (, T: +44 (0)116 223 1246.
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