— Thomas Erlebach Dipl.-Inform., Dr.rer.nat. (TU München), FBCS, FHEA
Professor of Computer Science
F20 Ken Edwards Building School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH.
T: +44 (0)116 252 3411 E: t.erlebach@leicester.ac.uk
I am leaving University of Leicester to join the
Department of Computer Science
Durham University
on 20th September 2021. My new e-mail address is firstname DOT surname AT durham DOT ac DOT uk
I am working from home.
If you want to talk to me, please e-mail me.
You can find a brief CV here.
My research falls into the departmental research theme
ACE (Algorithms: Complexity and Engineering).
Some of my particular research interests are:
- Algorithmic aspects of communication networks
- Time-varying graphs and networks
- Algorithms for wired and wireless networks
- Computing with explorable uncertainty
- Approximation and on-line algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems
- Algorithmic graph theory
For details, please refer to my list of publications
There is also a
webpage with slides of a few talks I have given.
I was/am involved in the program committees of the following recent/upcoming conferences and workshops:
STACS 2022: 39th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science. Marseille, France. 15-18 March 2022.
SIROCCO 2022: 29th International Colloquium on
Structural Information and Communication Complexity. Parderborn, Germany, 27-29 June, 2022.
SAND 2022: 1st Symposium on Algorithmic Foundations of Dynamic Networks. Online. February 2022 (tentative).
FCT 2021: 23rd International Symposium on
Fundamentals of Computation Theory. Athens, Greece, September 5-8, 2021.
ALGOSENSORS 2021: International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Wireless Sensor Networks. Lisbon, Portugal, September 9-10, 2021.
DCOSS 2021: International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems. Virtual Event, July 14-16, 2021.
CIAC 2021: 12th International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity. Larnaca, Cyprus, May 2021.
SODA 2021: 32nd Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. Alexandria, Virginia, USA, January 10-13, 2021.
WG 2020: 46th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science. Leeds, UK, 24-26 June 2020.
SIROCCO 2020: 27th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity, Paderborn, Germany, 29 June - 1 July, 2020.
IWOCA 2020: 31st International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, Bordeaux, France, 8-10 June 2020.
DCOSS 2020: International Conference on Distributed
Computing in Sensor Systems. Los Angeles, California, USA, 25-27 May 2020.
TAMC 2020: 16th Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation. Changsha, China, 23-25 May 2020.
ISAAC 2019: 30th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation. Shanghai, China, 8-11 December 2019.
COCOA 2019: 13th Annual International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications. Xiamen, Fujian, China, 13-15 December, 2019.
ARDA 2019: Workshop on Advances in Reoptimization and Dynamic Algorithms. Aachen, Germany, 30 August 2019.
COCOON 2019: 25th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference. Xian, China, 29-31 July 2019.
ICDCS 2019: 39th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Track "Distributed Algorithms and Theory". Dallas, Texas, 7-10 July 2019.
DCOSS 2019: International Conference on Distributed
Computing in Sensor Systems. Santorini, Greece, 29-31 May 2019.
COCOA 2018: 12th Annual International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications. Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 15-17 December 2018.
WAOA 2018: 16th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms,
Helsinki, Finland, August 23-24, 2018 (part of ALGO 2018). (PC Co-Chair)
WG 2018: 44th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science. Cottbus, Germany, 27-29 June 2018.
SOFSEM 2018: 44th Annual International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, "Foundations of Computer Science" Track. Krems an der Donau, Austria, 29 January - 2 February 2018.
The following book has been published:
B. Vöcking et al. (Eds.), Algorithms Unplugged, Springer, 2011.
The book presents some of the most beautiful algorithmic ideas in 41
articles written in colloquial, nontechnical language.
(I wrote the chapter "Majority - Who Gets Elected Class Rep?".)
The aim of the book is to
communicate the fascination of algorithms and computer science to
high-school students. The book can be understood without any prior
knowledge of algorithms and computing.
Algorithm of the Week:
This was an initiative of the Fakultätentag Informatik in Germany. For one
whole year, a different algorithm was presented each week, in a manner
accessible to high school students.
The work on the following book has been
I was a program committee member or co-organizer of the following
workshops and conferences:
COCOA 2017: 11th Annual International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, Shanghai, China, 16-18 December 2017.
MOPGP 2017: Twelfth International Conference on Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming, Metz, France, 30-31 October 2017.
FCT 2017: 21st International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory, Bordeaux, France, September 11-13, 2017.
I-SPAN 2017: 14th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks, "Distributed algorithms and graph computing" Track, Exeter, UK, June 21-23, 2017.
CIAC 2017: 9th International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity, Athens, Greece, 24-26 May, 2017.
ISAAC 2016: 27th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, Sydney, Australia, 12-14 December, 2016.
COCOA 2016: 10th International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, Hong Kong SAR, China, 16-18 December, 2016.
PODC 2015: 33rd Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, San Sebastián, Spain, July 2015.
SEA 2015: 14th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, Paris, France, 29 June-1 July 2015.
CIAC 2015: 8th International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity, Paris, France, 20-22 May 2015.
ALGOSENSORS 2014: 10th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Sensor Systems, Wireless Networks and Distributed Robotics, Track on Wireless Networks and Distributed Robotics, Wrocław, Poland, 11-12 September 2014.
COCOA 2013: 7th Annual International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, Chengdu, China, 12-14 December, 2013.
SSS 2013: 15th
International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of
Distributed Systems, Osaka, Japan, 13-16 November 2013.
WADS 2013: 13th Bi-annual Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium,
London, Ontario, Canada, 12-14 August 2013.
SPAA 2013: 25th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms
and Architectures,
Montreal, Canada, 23-25 July 2013.
SOFSEM 2013:
39th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science,
Špindlerův Mlýn, Czech Republic, January 26–31, 2013.
MOBIWAC 2012: The 10th International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access,
Paphos, Cyprus, October 21-25, 2012.
WAOA 2012: 10th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms,
Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 13-14, 2012 (part of ALGO 2012).
ALGOSENSORS 2012: 8th International Symposium on
Algorithms for Sensor Systems, Wireless Ad Hoc Networks and Autonomous
Mobile Entities,
Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 13-14, 2012 (part of ALGO 2012).
MFCS 2012: 37th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science,
Bratislava, Slovakia, August 27-31, 2012.
SEA 2012: 11th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms,
Bordeaux, France,
June 7-9, 2012.
SIROCCO 2012: 19th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity,
Reykjavik, Iceland, June 2012.
MOBIWAC 2011: The 9th International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access,
Miami Beach, FL, USA, October 31-November 4, 2011.
ALGOSENSORS 2011: 7th International Symposium on
Algorithms for Sensor Systems, Wireless Ad Hoc Networks and Autonomous Mobile Entities,
Saabrücken, Germany, September 8-9, 2011 (part of ALGO 2011).
WAOA 2011: 9th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms,
Saarbrücken, Germany, September 8-9, 2011 (part of ALGO 2011).
ESA 2011: 19th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms,
Saabrücken, Germany, September 5-7, 2011 (part of ALGO 2011).
ICALP 2011: 38th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, Track A, Zurich, Switzerland, July 4-8, 2011.
STACS 2011: 28th International Symposium on
Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, TU Dortmund, Germany, March 10-12, 2011.
ATMOS 2010: 10th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems, Liverpool, UK, September 9, 2010 (part of ALGO 2010).
WAOA 2010: 8th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms,
Liverpool, UK, September 9-10, 2010 (part of ALGO 2010).
CiE 2010: Computability in Europe, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal, June 30 - July 4, 2010. (Co-organiser (with Martin Olsen) of an invited session on Web Algorithms and Computation)
SEA 2010: 9th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms,
Napoli, Italy,
May 20-22, 2010.
CATS 2010: Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium,
Brisbane, Australia,
January 18-21, 2010.
- WAOA 2009: 7th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms,
Copenhagen, Denmark, September 10-11, 2009 (part of ALGO 2009).
FCT 2009: 17th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory,
Wroclaw, Poland,
September 2-4, 2009.
CATS 2009: Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium,
Wellington, New Zealand,
January 20-23, 2009.
ISAAC 2008: 19th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation,
Gold Coast, Australia, December 15-17, 2008.
WAOA 2008: Sixth Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms,
Karlsruhe, Germany, September 18-19, 2008 (part of ALGO 2008).
WG 2008: 34th International Workshop on
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science,
Durham, UK, June 29 - July 2, 2008.
WEA 2008: 7th International Workshop on
Experimental Algorithms,
Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA,
May 30 - June 2, 2008.
CATS 2008: Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium,
University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia,
January 22-25, 2008.
WAOA 2007: Fifth Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms,
Eilat, Israel, October 11-12, 2007 (part of ALGO 2007).
CAAN 2007: Fourth Workshop on Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Networking,
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, 14 August 2007 (co-located with WADS 2007).
ICALP 2007: 34th International
Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, Track A,
Wroclaw, Poland, July 9-13, 2007.
WG 2007: 33rd International Workshop on
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science,
Dornburg near Jena, Germany,
June 21-23, 2007.
SIROCCO 2007: 14th Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity,
Castiglioncello (LI), Italy, June 6-8, 2007.
ESCAPE 2007: International Symposium
on Combinatorics, Algorithms,
Probabilistic and Experimental
Hangzhou, China,
April 7-9, 2007.
Workshop on Adversarial Modeling and Analysis of Communication Networks,
University Residential Center of Bertinoro,
Bertinoro (Forlì), Italy,
November 26 - December 2, 2006.
ESA 2006: 14th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms,
ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, September 11-13, 2006 (part of ALGO 2006).
WAOA 2006: Fourth Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms,
ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, September 14-15, 2006 (part of ALGO 2006).
CAAN 2006: Third Workshop on Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Networking,
Chester, United Kingdom, July 2, 2006 (co-located with SIROCCO 2006).
SIROCCO 2006: 13th Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity,
Chester, United Kingdom, July 3-5, 2006.
2006: Fifth International Workshop on Experimetal Algorithms,
Menorca Island, Spain, May 24-27, 2006.
ALENEX 2006:
Eighth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments,
Miami, FL, USA, January 21, 2006.
WAOA 2005: Third Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms,
Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 6-7, 2005
(part of ALGO 2005).
CAAN 2005:
Second Workshop on Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of
Networking and the Internet,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, August 15-17, 2005.
MobiHoc 2005:
Sixth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and
Computing, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, May 25-28, 2005.
I usually teach:
- CO4219/CO7219: Internet and Cloud Computing
- CO4200 CO7100/CO7200: Algorithms for Bioinformatics