University of Leicester


Lorentz Center Workshop Logics for Social Behaviour

Lorentz Center Workshop Logics for Social Behaviour

Carl Wagner: Tutorial, Part 1 and Tutorial, Part 2.

Short presetations of PhD students:

Davide Grossi: Discussion session.

Bob Coecke: Tutorial. Some papers.
Coecke. "The logic of quantum mechanics - Take II"
Clark, Coecke, Grefenstette, Pulman, Sadrzadeh. "A quantum teleportation inspired algorithm produces sentence meaning from word meaning and grammatical structure"
Selinger. "A survey of graphical languages for monoidal categories" -- Gives some more category theoretic background.
Selinger. "Finite dimensional Hilbert spaces are complete for dagger compact closed categories" --- A theorem formalizing why the graphical language can replace Hilbert spaces.

Davide Grossi and Gabriella Pigozzi: Tutorial, Part 1 (Davide) and Tutorial, Part 2 (Gabriella).

Work session: Discussion on the role that the choice of classical logic plays in judgement aggregation. Some references that were mentioned in the discussion:
Dietrich. "A generalised model of judgment aggregation"
Herzberg. "Universal algebra for general aggregation theory: Many-valued propositional-attitude aggregators as MV-homomorphisms"
Eckert, Herzberg. "The Problem of Judgment Aggregation in the Framework of Boolean-Valued Models" --- Possibility results from changing the algebra of truth values (to a not subdirectly irreducible one).
Porello "Logics for Collective Reasoning" --- Possibility results for non-classical logics.
More information collected by Tadeusz.
See also Philippe Mongin's slides.

Pierre Lescanne: Slides. Some papers. Coq scripts.
Rutten, Jacobs. A Tutorial on (Co)Algebra and (Co)Induction. A good place to get started on coinduction.
The Coq Proof Assistant. The reason to be interested in interactive theorem provers may not be evident in most areas of maths, but they are becoming ever more important in computer science (apart from Coq, there are also Isabelle and Agda, among many others) and some eminent mathematicians such as Thomas Hales and Vladimir Voevodsky made them central tools of their work.

Viktor Winschel: Slides. Some papers.

Martin Hyland: Some Linear Logic of von Neumann Games.
de Paiva. "The dialectica categories" --- Some category theoretical background.

Tommaso Flaminio and Hykel Hosni: Slides.

Work session: .
Thanks to Marcus Pivato for mapping out the area of Social Choice. Photo competition ... submissions welcome ... :-)

Lutz Schröder: Slides.
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Alessandra Palmigiano: Slides of the public lecture at Boerhaave.
Pope, Josang, McAnallay. "Formal Methods of Countering Deception and Misperception in Intelligence Analysis"

Hans van Ditmarsch: Handout.
van Ditmarsch. "Dynamics of Lying"

Tadeusz Litak: Slides and more information.
Halmos. "An Autobiography of Polyadic Algebras" --- Source of some of the quotes
Rivieccio. "What is algebraic logic?"

Philippe Mongin: Slides, Picture
Mongin. "The Doctrinal Paradox, the Discursive Dilemma, and Logical Aggregation Theory" --- The paper on which the lecture was based.
Fishburn, Rubinstein. "Algebraic Aggregation Theory" --- Using algebra instead of logic for aggregation.

Ariel Rubinstein: Slides
Glazer, Rubinstein. "A Model of Persuasion with Boundedly Rational Agents"

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