— Paolo Torrini Ph.D. (Leeds)
Research Associate in Computer Science
G13 Ken Edwards Building School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH.
T: +44 (0)116 252 3813 F: +44 (0)116 252 3915 E:
RA from May 2008 until March 2010, EU project SENSORIA
(internal) - WP7 Model-Driven Development
- Currently: collaboration for the development of a
stochastic simulationa tool (GRASSDEM)
Logic Programming (2008-09) CO2014
- Verification, logic, semantics, theorem proving, graph
transformation, stochastic simulation
- GRASSDEM - stochastic simulation of discrete event
models based on graph transformation, as function of
- VeriFT - fault tree analysis
based on Petri nets (uses uDrawGraph)
- FTA - fault tree analysis (based
on Moby-FT)
- Translation of Haskell programs to Isabelle (HOLCF and
HOL-AWE), as functions of HetCASL
- Paolo Torrini, Reiko Heckel, Istvan Rath, Gabor Bergmann. Stochastic Graph Transformation with Regions, GT-VMT'10 , pdf,
- Reiko Heckel, Paolo Torrini. Stochastic Modelling and Simulation of Mobile Systems, (to appear in Manfred Nagl Festschrift)
- Paolo Torrini, Reiko Heckel, Istvan Rath (2010). Stochastic Simulation of Graph Transformation Systems, accepted at FASE'10 , pdf,
- Paolo Torrini, Reiko Heckel (2009).
Quantification for Graph Transformation,
LINEARITY'09 (satellite of CSL'09), slides
- Paolo Torrini, Reiko Heckel (2009). Towards an Embedding of Graph Transformation in Intuitionistic Linear Logic presented at ICE'09 (satellite of CONCUR'09), slides
- Ajab Khan, Paolo Torrini, Reiko Heckel (2008)
Model-based Simulation of VoIP Network Reconfigurations
using Graph Transformation Systems ICGT'08 - Doctoral
- Paolo Torrini, Paul Caspi, Pascal Raymond (2007)
From Fault Trees to Safety Conditions
Verimag TR 2007-6
- Paolo Torrini, Christoph Lüth,
Christian Maeder, Till Mossakowski (2007)
Translating Haskell to Isabelle Theorem Proving in
Higher-Order Logic: Emerging Trends Proceedings,
Uni Kaiserslautern - Computer Science TR 364/07, pp 178-193
- Paolo Torrini, Christoph Lüth,
Christian Maeder, Till Mossakowski (2007)
Translating from Haskell to Isabelle Isabelle Workshop, pp. 14-20
- Michael Drouineaud, Maksym Bortin, Paolo Torrini, Karsten Sohr (2004)
A First Step Towards Formal Verification of Security Policy
Properties for RBAC QSIC'04, pp 60-67
- Paolo Torrini (2004)
Logical Representation for Route Graphs Automated Reasoning Workshop (extended abstract)
- Paolo Torrini (2003)
Qualitative Spatial Reasoning with Super-Intuitionistic Logics
PhD Thesis
- Paolo Torrini, John Stell, Brandon Bennett (2002)
Mereotopology in Second-Order and Modal Extensions of
Intuitionistic Propositional Logic Journal of
Applied Non-Classical Logics, vol 12, no 3-4, pp
- Paolo Torrini, Jacques Fleuriot, John Stell, Brandon Bennett (2002)
Embedding a quantified logic for spatial reasoning in Isabelle-HOL Automated Reasoning Workshop (extended abstract)
- Paolo Torrini (2001)
Spatial Reasoning with
Intuitionistic Logic Automated Reasoning Workshop (extended abstract)
- Brandon Bennett, Anthony G. Cohn, Paolo Torrini, Shyamanta M. Hazarika (2000)
Region-Based Qualitative Geometry Leeds University Technical Report 2000.7
- Brandon Bennett, Anthony G. Cohn, Paolo Torrini, Shyamanta M. Hazarika (2000)
Describing Rigid Body Motions in a Qualitative Theory of Spatial Regions AAAI/IAAI 2000, pp 503-509
- Brandon Bennett, Anthony G. Cohn, Paolo Torrini, Shyamanta M. Hazarika (2000)
A Foundation for Region-based Qualitative Geometry ECAI 2000, pp 204-208
Postdoctoral position at Laboratoire Verimag, Grenoble
(2006-7), Synchrone
Group, work on the verification of railway interlocking
systems and on the formalisation of fault trees
- Research
position at the University of Bremen (2003-5), Formal
Methods Group, work on the formalisation of a control systems and translation of Haskell to Isabelle in HetCASL
- PhD at the School of Computing, University of Leeds
(2003), Qualitative
Spatial Reasoning Group, thesis on the logic of
spatial representation
- MSc in AI at the
University of Edinburgh (1999), Mathematical Reasoning
Group, dissertation on hardware verification with HOL/Clam
- MSc in Philosophy at the University of Florence (1995),
Group, dissertation on relevant modal logics