The files made available here may be
preprints or postprints and can be slightly different from the official published
- Dahlqvist, Fredrik ; Kurz, Alexander: The Positivication of Coalgebraic Logics. CALCO 2017
- O Babus, A Kurz: On the Logic of Generalised Metric Spaces. CMCS 2016: 136-155
S Balco, S Frittella, G Greco, A Kurz, A Palmigiano: Tool support for reasoning in display calculi
A Kurz, J Velebil: Relation lifting. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, online 29 October 2015. Postfinal version with a typo corrected thanks to Uli Fahrenberg.
A Balan, A Kurz, J Velebil: Extensions of functors from Set to V-cat. CALCO 2015.
A Kurz, A Pardo, D Petrisan, P Severi and F-J de Vries: Nested Fixpoints — A Coalgebraic View of Parametric Dataypes. CALCO 2015.
A Kurz, S Milius, D Pattinson, L Schröder: Simplified Coalgebraic Trace Equivalence..
A Kurz, J Velebil: Quasivarieties and varieties of ordered algebras: Regularity and exactness..
S Frittella, G Greco, A Kurz, A Palmigiano: Multi-type display calculus for Propositional Dynamic Logic. To appear in the Journal of Logic and Computation.
S Frittella, G Greco, A Kurz, A Palmigiano, V Sikimic: Multi-type Display Calculus for Dynamic Epistemic Logic. To appear in the Journal of Logic and Computation.
S Frittella, G Greco, A Kurz, A Palmigiano, V Sikimic: A Proof-Theoretic Semantic Analysis of Dynamic Epistemic Logic. To appear in the Journal of Logic and Computation.
G Greco, A Kurz, A Palmigiano: Dynamic epistemic logic displayed. LORI-4.
- A Balan, A Kurz, J Velebil: Positive Fragments of Coalgebraic Logics . CALCO 2013. Most recent version on arxiv. Accepted for Logical Methods in Computer Science.
- A Kurz, A Palmigiano: Epistemic Updates on Algebras. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2013.
- M. Bilkova, A. Kurz, D. Petrisan, J. Velebil: Relation lifting, with an application to the many-valued cover modality . Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2013.
- A Kurz, D Petrisan, P Severi, F-J de Vries: Nominal Coalgebraic Data Types with Applications to Lambda Calculus . Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2013.
- M Bonsangue, H Hansen, A Kurz, J Rot: Presenting Distributive Laws . CALCO 2013.
- A. Kurz, D. Petrisan, P. Severi and F.-J. de Vries : An Alpha-Corecursion Principle for the
Infinitary Lambda Calculus. CMCS 2012.
- A. Kurz, T. Suzuki, E. Tuosto:
A Characterisation of Languages on Infinite Alphabets
with Nominal Regular Expressions. IFIP TCS 2012.
- A. Kurz, J. Rosicky: Strongly complete logics for
coalgebras. LMCS 8 (3:14) 2012. (The old draft from July 2006
for reference: .ps, .pdf, .dvi).
- C. Kupke, A. Kurz, Y. Venema: Completeness for the
coalgebraic cover modality. LMCS 8 (3:14) 2012. (The
conference version from AiML 2008 for reference: .pdf )
- A. Kurz, T. Suzuki, E. Tuosto:
On Nominal Regular Languages with Binders. Fossacs 2012.
- A. Kurz, J. Velebil: Enriched logical
connections. Appl. Categ. Structures, online first, 23
September 2011. pdf
- M. Bilkova, A. Kurz, D. Petrisan, J. Velebil: Relation Liftings on Preorders and
Posets. CALCO'11 Updated version with proofs,
September 2012.
- A Balan, A Kurz: Finitary
Functors: From Set to Preord and Poset. CALCO'11
- J. Velebil, A. Kurz: Equational presentations of
functors and monads . Mathematical Structures in Computer
Science (2011) 21(2):363-381. pdf
- A. Kurz, T. Suzuki, E. Tuosto: Towards Nominal Formal Languages
. February 2011.
- A. Kurz, T. Suzuki, E. Tuosto: Nominal Monoids.
Technical Report CS-10-004, University of Leicester, October 2010.
- A. Kurz, A. Palmigiano, Y.Venema: Coalgebra and Logic: A
Brief Overview. Editorial of a Special Issue on Coalgebra and
Logic: J Logic Computation (2010) 20(5): 985-990
doi:10.1093/logcom/exn094 .
- A. Kurz, Y.Venema: Coalgebraic Lindström Theorems.
Advances in Modal Logic, Moscow 2010. ( .pdf )
- A. Kurz, D. Petrisan, J. Velebil: Algebraic Theories over
Nominal Sets. (arXiv
- A. Balan, A. Kurz: On coalgebras over algebras. CMCS,
Cyprus 2010. (arXiv ) (Revised and
extended version to appear in TCS preprint)
- V. Ciancia, A. Kurz and U. Montanari: Families of Symmetries
as Efficient Models of Resource Binding . CMCS, Cyprus
- A. Kurz, D. Petrisan: On Universal Algebra over Nominal
Sets. . (.pdf ) Mathematical
Structures in Computer Science 20:285-318 (2010)
- A. Kurz, D. Petrisan: Presenting functors on many-sorted
varieties and applications. (.pdf ) To appear in Information and
- A. Kurz, R. Leal: Equational Coalgebraic Logic. MFPS
XXV, Oxford 2009. (.pdf ) Revised as
Modalities in the Stone age:
A comparison of coalgebraic logics. To appear in the special issue
of MFPS XXV. (.pdf )
- A. Kurz, M. Lenisa, A. Tarlecki: Algebra and Coalgebra in
Computer Science. Third International Conference, CALCO 2009, Udine,
Italy, September 7-10, 2009. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Volume 5728. (springerlink)
- A. Kurz, R. Leal: Equational Coalgebraic Logic. MFPS
XXV, Oxford 2009. (.pdf )
- C. Cirstea, A. Kurz, D. Pattinson, L. Schröder, Y. Venema:
Modal Logics are Coalgebraic. BCS Visions in Computer Science
2008. (.pdf )
- G. Bezhanishvili, N. Bezhanishvili, D. Gabelaia,
A. Kurz: Bitopological Duality for Distributive Lattices and
Heyting Algebras. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science,
Vol. 20, Issue 03, pp. 359-393, 2010 . (.pdf )
- C. Kupke, A. Kurz, Y. Venema: Completeness of the finitary
Moss logic. AiML 2008. (.pdf )
- A. Kurz, D. Petrisan: Functorial Coalgebraic Logic: The case of many-sorted varieties. CMCS 2008. (.pdf )
- M. Bonsangue, A. Kurz: Pi-Calculus in Logical Form. LICS
2007. (.pdf )
- A. Kurz, J. Rosicky: The Goldblatt-Thomason Theorem for
Coalgebras. CALCO 2007. (.pdf )
- N. Ghani, A. Kurz: Higher Order Trees, Algebraically.
CALCO 2007. (.pdf )
- N. Bezhanishvili, A. Kurz: Free modal algebras: a coalgebraic perspective. CALCO 2007. (.pdf )
- M. Hammoudeh, A. Kurz, E. Gaura: MuMHR: Multi-path, Multi-hop, Hierarchical Routing. SensorComm 2007. (.pdf )
- A. Kurz: Coalgebras and Their Logics. Logic Column of
the SIGACT News 37 (2),
pp. 57-77, 2006.
- M. Bonsangue, A. Kurz: Presenting Functors by Operations and
Equations. January 2006 (supersedes drafts from Feb and Oct
2005). (.dvi
.ps .pdf). Fossacs 2006.
- M. Bonsangue, A. Kurz, I.M. Rewitzky: Coalgebraic
representations of distributive lattices with operators. October
2005, to appear in Topology and its Applications. (.dvi .ps .pdf)
- C. Kupke, A. Kurz, D. Pattinson: Ultrafilter extensions for
coalgebras. CALCO 2005. (.dvi, .ps, .pdf)
- M. Bonsangue, A. Kurz: Duality for Logics of Transition
Systems. Fossacs 2005. (replaces a draft of October 2004 and
extends an abstract
presented at TANCL
I, Tbilisi 7 - 11 July 2003) (.dvi, .pdf, .ps)
- A. Kurz, J. Rosicky: Weak Factorizations,
Fractions and Homotopies. Applied Categorical
Structures 13:141-160,2005. Preprint, October 2004. (.dvi, .pdf, .ps)
C. Kupke, A. Kurz, D. Pattinson: Algebraic Semantics for
Coalgebraic Modal Logic. CMCS 2004. (.dvi, .pdf (recompiled with diagrams))
A. Kurz, A. Palmigiano: Coalgebras and Modal Expansions of
Logics. CMCS 2004. (.dvi, .ps, (.pdf (recompiled with diagrams)))
A. Kurz, J. Rosicky: Operations and Equations for Coalgebras.
Mathematical Structures in
Computer Science 15:149-166, 2005.
Revised and extended version of `Modal Predicates and
Coequations', CMCS'02.
(Preprint February 2004 .dvi, .ps)
C. Kupke, A. Kurz, Y. Venema: Stone Coalgebras. In Proceedings
of CMCS 2003. Volume 82.1 of ENTCS, Elsevier, 2003. (CMCS'03: .ps, .pdf, May 2003; CWI
Technial Report: .pdf, July
2003; Revised: .ps, October
2003). Revised and extended version appeared in Theoretical Computer Science 327:109-134, 2004. (Preprint May 2004: .dvi, .ps, .pdf)
A.Kurz: Notions of Behaviour and Reachable-Part and their
Institutions. In Proceedings of WADT 2002. Volume 2755 of LNCS,
Springer, 2003. (.ps)
M.Bidoit, R.Hennicker, A.Kurz: Observational Logic,
Constructor-Based Logic and their Duality. CWI Technical Report
SEN-R0223, 2002. (.ps.gz, .ps) Continues and contains "On the Duality
between Observability and Reachability", FoSSaCS 2001 by the same
authors. Accepted for TCS.
A.Kurz, D.Pattinson: Coalgebraic Modal Logic of Finite Rank.
CWI Technical Report SEN-R0222, 2002. (.ps.gz, .ps) Revised version of
"Definability, Canonical Models, Compactness for Finitary Coalgebraic
Modal Logic" by the same authors. Accepted for Mathematical Structures
in Computer Science.
A.Kurz (Ed.): Proceedings of the Workshop on Categorical Methods for Concurrency, Interaction, and Mobility (CMCIM). Volume 68.1 of
Electronic Notes in
Theoretical Computer Science, 2002.
A.Kurz, D.Pattinson: Definability, Canonical Models, Compactness
for Finitary Coalgebraic Modal Logic. In Lawrence Moss, editor,
Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS'02), volume 65.1 of
Electronic Notes in
Theoretical Computer Science, 2002. (.ps.gz, .ps).
A.Kurz: Logics Admitting Final Semantics. Fossacs 2002. (.ps.gz, .ps, ©
Springer Verlag).
A.Kurz: Coalgebras and Modal Logic. Course Notes for ESSLLI
2001, Version of October 2001. Appeared on the CD-Rom
ESSLLI'01, Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki,
Finland. (.ps.gz, .ps).
A.Kurz, D.Pattinson: Coalgebras and Modal Logic for Parameterised
Endofunctors. CWI Technical Report, SEN-R0040, December 2000. (.ps.Z, .pdf, .ps.gz)
A.Kurz: Logics for Coalgebras and Applications to Computer Science.
Doctoral Thesis. July 2000. (gzipped postscript), (postscript).
A.Kurz: Modal Logic is Dual to Equational Logic.
Extended abstract. January 2000. The current version is chapter 2 of my thesis, see above.
(gzipped postscript).
A.Kurz, D.Pattinson: Notes on Coalgebras, Co-Fibrations and
To appear in Proceedings of Coalgebraic Methods in
Computer Science, Berlin, March 2000 (CMCS'00), ENTCS Volume 33.
(Extended version of the Dresden workshop
contribution, December 1999.) March 2000. (gzipped
A.Kurz: Limits in Categories of Coalgebras. A short note on a way to
construct limits in categories of coalgebras. Draft, November 1999. (gzipped postscript).
A.Kurz, R.Hennicker: On Institutions for Modular Coalgebraic Specifications.
Accepted for publication in TCS.
(gzipped postscript).
A.Kurz, D.Pattinson: Notes on Coalgebras, Co-Fibrations and
Concurrency. Draft, presented at the Workshop on Categorical
Models of Concurrency, Dresden, October 1999. There is a new version
now, see above.
A.Kurz: Modal Rules are Co-Implications. Draft, revised
15.5.2000. (gzipped postscript).
R.Hennicker, A.Kurz: On the Algebraic Extension of Coalgebraic Specifications.
In J. Rutten and B. Jacobs, editors, Proceedings of Coalgebraic Methods in
Computer Science, Amsterdam, March 1999 (CMCS'99). Published in ENTCS Volume 19. (gzipped postscript).
A.Kurz: A Co-Variety-Theorem for Modal Logic. Preprint (revised
29.3.1999). To be published in Proceedings of Advances in Modal Logic,
Uppsala, 1998. CSLI,Stanford. (gzipped postscript).
A.Kurz: Coalgebras and Modal Logic. Proceedings of Advances in Modal
Logic, Uppsala, 1998. Title changed to "A Co-Variety-Theorem for Modal
Logic", see above.
A.Kurz: Specifying Coalgebras with Modal Logic. In B. Jacobs, L. Moss,
H. Reichel, and J. Rutten, editors, Proceedings of Coalgebraic
Methods in Computer Science, Lisbon, March 1998 (CMCS'98). Published in ENTCS Volume 11. A revised version will appear in
Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.260/1-2. (gzipped
A.Kurz: A Note on the Frame Semantics of Modal Logic. Talk given
on the workshop on Polymodal Logics, ESSLLI'97, Aix-en-Provence. (gzipped
A. Kurz: Sequence Frames. Proc. Verif. in New Orientation, Univ.
Maribor (1995). (gzipped postscript).